Keyser Soze
Bombin' reminded me I would love S. to be the next Bomb After Reading

MGS2's plot is so fucking convoluted that it's almost impossible to spoil it for a newcomer unless you're just explaining plot points at length, which he hasn't done. He's said some smaller things here and there, but there's no way someone who's new to the game would pick up on that.
look at this Hayden Panettiere bathtub simulator, friends
GOTY 2015, goddammit
vinny and made him mad. you can trace the downfall of UPF to that exact moment.
Is Shadow of Mordor still a good game to play if you don't know anything about the Lord of The Rings?
We need more Metal Gear Scanlon.
Is Shadow of Mordor still a good game to play if you don't know anything about the Lord of The Rings?
Is Shadow of Mordor still a good game to play if you don't know anything about the Lord of The Rings?
Is Shadow of Mordor still a good game to play if you don't know anything about the Lord of The Rings?
Is Shadow of Mordor still a good game to play if you don't know anything about the Lord of The Rings?
I feel we'll get a MGScanlon will come tomorrow.
On the talk about UPF needing a revamp or a replacement, I fully agree. I feel there needs to be a new show that rejuvenates the traditional weekly premium content timeslot since a lot of the recent shows in the past months have become rather drab or dry in both humour, which comes across in the games the hosts choose sometimes or their energy on the show. Although Dan has given the show a good 'kick up' with some of his game choices, along with regular appearances form the GS crew, I don't think it's enough to sustain UPF in the long term.
I thought the UPF last Friday really good. Good choices and good energy all around (your enjoyment of IDARB might vary of course, but I liked it even if Twitter got a bit too terrible at times).
I thought the UPF last Friday really good. Good choices and good energy all around (your enjoyment of IDARB might vary of course, but I liked it even if Twitter got a bit too terrible at times).
Heading home for Christmas, bringing my PS4. I don't think I can get myself to buy the whole Jackbox Pack, but, Fibbage for $7 seems like a deal. I wouldn't play the 2015 Jack game and Drawful isn't going to get me to pay the other $18.
Anyone give them a shot after seeing the QL or UPF?
Heading home for Christmas, bringing my PS4. I don't think I can get myself to buy the whole Jackbox Pack, but, Fibbage for $7 seems like a deal. I wouldn't play the 2015 Jack game and Drawful isn't going to get me to pay the other $18.
Anyone give them a shot after seeing the QL or UPF?
y'all need to understand the downfall of video games started when greg got angry at drew in the log simulator quick look
Is Shadow of Mordor still a good game to play if you don't know anything about the Lord of The Rings?
Heading home for Christmas, bringing my PS4. I don't think I can get myself to buy the whole Jackbox Pack, but, Fibbage for $7 seems like a deal. I wouldn't play the 2015 Jack game and Drawful isn't going to get me to pay the other $18.
Anyone give them a shot after seeing the QL or UPF?
Yes, it has little to do with the book.
Was there any indication when we might get the next MGScanlon?
so I finally followed up on Jeff's recommendation (of sorts) to create a JP PSN account on my PS4. Thought, oh sweet, let's see what's exclusive in the store!
... some mahjong games, like 5 musou games, a new Oneechanbara game that I'm weirdly tempted to buy.. and not much else?
I'm afraid you've lost me
Jason OestreicherVerified account
My new phone does stupid shit like this:
I'm afraid you've lost me
so I finally followed up on Jeff's recommendation (of sorts) to create a JP PSN account on my PS4. Thought, oh sweet, let's see what's exclusive in the store!
... some mahjong games, like 5 musou games, a new Oneechanbara game that I'm weirdly tempted to buy.. and not much else?
I just looked up "Yaoi" on Google.
talking about sweet arcade ports by hamster, bro
crazy climber, city connection, rygar, solomon's key - i'd buy them all
ah. they're like $8 a pop though and that's not including the markup on JP PSN cards.
it'd probably be worth getting Crazy Climber for laughs though
ha! not really my cup of tea, but if it was, it probably wouldn't be my tag, would it? let's not forget Yaoi's sister, Yuri.
Bara sounds more up my alley![]()
Any indication of what happened to the last couple iterations of this? Too much work to keep running?
afaik the only difference is marketing, specifically bara is aimed at male readers, yaoi at females. not really sure what is actually different between the two as the content - in theory - is similar.
goddammit I only have myself to blame
I need Cara to weigh in on this hot subject
speaking of which, still no official statement on the open position, right? they're probably trying to avoid a repetition of last time's hubbub
Bara is specifically buff dudes. Beefcakes. Sometimes beyond beefcake and into roid territory. An occasional bear.
Yaoi is for the pretty boys. Twinks. Fairies. Visual Kei wannabes.
afaik the only difference is marketing, specifically bara is aimed at male readers, yaoi at females. not really sure what is actually different between the two as the content - in theory - is similar.
goddammit I only have myself to blame