Hot Coldman

Best moment in the series.
Though to expand more on the subject, going by the way idlethumbs do it if they actually do advertise what they use it would just turn into a boring informacial that goes on for waaay too long.
They didn't talk about how bad Watchdogs or Titanfall was 9 weeks in a row on the podcast though. If anything but Destiny wins I would be shocked.
I don't think think there is anything better for Jeff to advertise than anime.
oh come on don't you want them natureboxes
Didnt know Hale did the voice for E.E.
That lady has range!
OK, so obviously I knew about the ninja being, but... that scene with it and Snake... what?-------Olga
I'm totally lost now. Completely forgot.
Yeah, her credits list is long as hell.
I am glad I first experienced Raiden in Revengeance, though, because jesus christ I would have flipped my shit if I'd played MGS2 when it first came out
Bonkersville: Population Drew Scanlon and Hot Coldman
Fuck i can't fucking wait for metal gear scanlon!
I actually liked Raiden in MGS2 and don't really like what they did with him in Revengeance. Though MGS4 is more to blame. Tossing him up to be the next cyborg ninja seems like such a cop-out in terms of character development. We never get to see anything that happens to him between MGS2 and MGS4. It's not like Snake between MGS1 and MGS2 where forming Philanthropy seemed like a logical evolution of his character. It's a choice he made from the lessons he learned in MGS1. Raiden just got turned into a cyborg ninja because Kojima wanted to stick it to all the people who hated him in MGS2. Platinum made it even worse by turning his Jack the Ripper nickname into a one of those crazy anime tryhard badass personas that awakens when he's pushed too far. I found it really off-putting for his character.
The original MGS Rising was going to explore the whole deal with Raiden between MGS 2 and 4, but then they shit the bed and telling a post MGS4 story gave Platinum way more freedom to do what they do well, so eh. It all worked out for the best in the circumstances.
Besides, the only "between game" story that really needs telling is between 1 and 2. I wanna play as Snake and go blow up Metal Gears with Otacon. Fuck a nuanced story, just show me all that, before the Tanker.
I just put 2 and 2 together and realised MGS2 though it was good idea to combine a underwater section AND a escort mission.
No Kojima thought it was a terrible idea and he wants to make the player suffer, just like the Rose conversations are punishment for saving the game.
I'd play Kojima's Philanthropy Simulator 20XX.Besides, the only "between game" story that really needs telling is between 1 and 2. I wanna play as Snake and go blow up Metal Gears with Otacon. Fuck a nuanced story, just show me all that, before the Tanker.
Well, I see your point, but whiny Raiden is... really whiny and irritating.
Like, it's going to turn out he has good (ish) reason to be, but still... he's way more fun later on
Besides, the only "between game" story that really needs telling is between 1 and 2. I wanna play as Snake and go blow up Metal Gears with Otacon. Fuck a nuanced story, just show me all that, before the Tanker.
And while some people might see that as a good thing, I can't fucking stand that anime archetype. To me it comes of as trying too hard to be cool.
So Ground Zeroes is released on PC today. How does it tie into the other games (if at all), what should I have played before playing it? I'm currently playing MGS3 (done with 1 and 2), and I'll probably never play MGS4 unless it gets HDfied for PC or PS4.
It's a direct sequel to peace walker, which is after 3. You could probably get by on not play 4 before ground zeroes, though I would recommend playing it one day so you can see what an unrestrained Kojima is capable of.So Ground Zeroes is released on PC today. How does it tie into the other games (if at all), what should I have played before playing it? I'm currently playing MGS3 (done with 1 and 2), and I'll probably never play MGS4 unless it gets HDfied for PC or PS4.
So Ground Zeroes is released on PC today. How does it tie into the other games (if at all), what should I have played before playing it? I'm currently playing MGS3 (done with 1 and 2), and I'll probably never play MGS4 unless it gets HDfied for PC or PS4.
But man, that's like, 80% of metal gear
I don't mean anime in general, I mean that specific anime character archetype. His Jack the Ripper alter-ego berzerker mode shit.
MSG Rising was way better than it should have been. Platinum even made the story compelling, you can't blame then.
KojiPro was in charge of story and cutscenes.
I remember hating the Emma swimming parts.I finished MGS2 like 10 years ago and so far I have remembered nothing about what they played except for the bird. The ending parts on the other hand are seared into my brain. I can't wait for the next Scanlon's Metaru Gia.
I actually kind of think it's almost inconsequential in MGR.
Like it kind of just exists for that cutscene and then the rest of MGR is just Raiden slicing things in lots of pieces
OK, so obviously I knew about the ninja being, but... that scene with it and Snake... what?-------Olga
I'm totally lost now. Completely forgot.
Dan's face when he remembered thatis priceless.Otacon was having sex with his stepmom while his sister was drowning
Well, they have a deal with an ad company for their podcast ads, so I doubt they can turn down companies. There's only so many companies that advertise on podcasts.
Damn, color me surprised. I thought Lexus' came with shit like that.
Dan's face when he remembered thatis priceless.Otacon was having sex with his stepmom while his sister was drowning
Car makers don't really want owners to have access to error codes. They want you to take if to a professional. That is why you get things like a check engine light that gives little to no information.
MSG Rising was way better than it should have been. Platinum even made the story compelling, you can't blame them.