Man...what WAS that all about? Is that another Kojimaism?
I thought it was a joke about Raiden's feminine looks.
Man...what WAS that all about? Is that another Kojimaism?
Best moment in the series.
Kojima does a good job of making you feel good before he fucks you.
It's not that nitpicky. There are games named Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 and they are not the games Drew has been playingThis is just nitpicky.
So Ground Zeroes is released on PC today. How does it tie into the other games (if at all), what should I have played before playing it? I'm currently playing MGS3 (done with 1 and 2), and I'll probably never play MGS4 unless it gets HDfied for PC or PS4.
This is the canonical chronological order:
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (1964)
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (1970)
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (1974)
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (1975)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (1984)
Metal Gear (1995)
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (1999)
Metal Gear Solid (2005)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2007 and 2009)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (2014)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2018)
Thought the quesion is if Portable ops is canon anymore.
I thought it was a joke about Raiden's feminine looks.
I haven't played Peace Walker yet, but aren't events from Portable Ops referenced in it? If so, wouldn't that make Peace Walker partly non-canonical too?
I haven't played Peace Walker yet, but aren't events from Portable Ops referenced in it? If so, wouldn't that make Peace Walker partly non-canonical too?
dont play in canon order
play in release order
The only thing considered canon from Portable Ops (AFAIK) is the post-credit stuff.
You know, I barely remember anything out of MGS4 in terms of overall moments except a few things:
1. Microwave tunnel
2. Fistfighting liquid snake and going through the history of metal gear games on top of arsenal gear or something
3. Meryl and Johnny's extremely stupid but kind of funny final shootout
4. Sunny cooks eggs
5. Raiden is a ninja
6. Ocelot finger pistols
That's it. That's the sum total of what I remember. Man, MGS1 - 3 sticks out so much more in my head for some reason.
I really want to pretend that MGS4 being a lackluster is partly because the woes of HD development. I mean, Kojima is self indulgent but stuff like this and how allowed that Rising ended in awesome way it end, makes believe he is self conscious on how ham fisted the stuff of his games sounds.
Oh god, that segment in Paris, ugh.Those are basically the six things I remember from that game. Also, there was an annoying stealth segment in Paris and there was a monkey at some point.
In peace walker miller references the 'San Heironymo Takeover' which is the events of portable ops.
edit: I believe it's when they're talking about being given mother base and expanding MSF, the line is "Finally, we can leave all that crap in San Hieronymo behind."
Important Story beats from PO
1) BB meets Roy Campbel
2) The idea for Outer Heaven
3) Ocelot gets half the Legacy
4) Ocelot and Zero create "The Patriots"
5) Foxhound was created
6) Presumably BB's army in PW is made from all the people he recruits from PO.
7) BB's 2nd meeting with Grey Fox.
8) Python, Raikov, and Sokolov all live through the events.
Peace walker might be a bit too much grind i think
Peace walker might be a bit too much grind i think
Can anyone tell me the name of that book they talked about on bombin? The one with the crazy text
Thank you!House of Leaves by ‎Mark Z. Danielewski.
House of Leaves by ‎Mark Z. Danielewski.
Next Bomb After Reading!
Give me an excuse to finally read it after I've had it for a couple years now.
In a podcast for Kojima Productions, Kojima stated via his translator that Portable Ops is canon.[14]
sameNext Bomb After Reading!
Give me an excuse to finally read it after I've had it for a couple years now.
I started reading it a couple years ago but it was just too much for me. All the footnotes and switching back and forth between stories made it a really difficult read.
i started to read it and neither story really grabbed me so i sort of lost interest
i liked what they were doing though
Same. I'd get to the point whereand I'd kind of lose interest. Not sure what it is exactly. I keep wanting to go back and give it another try.they would start noticing the demensions of the house changing
What were Alex and Patrick saying about it? Might have to go back and listen.
i got a little further than that and i thinkSame. I'd get to the point whereand I'd kind of lose interest. Not sure what it is exactly. I keep wanting to go back and give it another try.they would start noticing the dimensions of the house changing
What were Alex and Patrick saying about it? Might have to go back and listen.
He's probably always going to say it's canon because he doesn't want to completely shit on the work people in his team did on PO, btw. It's easier to say yes every time he's asked as opposed to saying, no it's not canon and i think it's pretty much garbage.
Yeah, Portable Ops has some pretty important shit regarding the Patriots and what not. No way it can't be canon, even if Kojima hates it.
I can see Dan just showing Drew the ending on YouTube or something, or just explaining it to him on a bonus episode or something. Peace Walker though, that one has to be played after MGS4, no excuses.
dan and drew could get two PS3s and copies of Peace Walker HD in the same room and become combat buddies having fun
Ground Zeroes could be completed in one episode.
House of Leaves is a favorite of mine. If you can get down with weird mysteries that have only the barest hints of explanations by the end, it's a lot of fun. Especially when it gets really off-the-wall crazy in the back half. I've read it twice and can give you dozens of weird theories about what might be happening because it's basically just a bunch of Legos that you never got the instruction booklet for so you're just building them into a car and then a boat and then a house. I do think there is some real literary merit to the way it explores some of its themes though, and I'm a sucker for weird storytelling gimmicks.
This is a long-winded way of saying that I too would read that book again if they did a podcast about it.