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Giant Bomb #11 | Thanks for the Spelunkin', the Spookin', and the Scoopin'

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I really, really, REALLY liked Shadow of Mordor. To the point where my white PS4 crapped out and had to be sent in to SONY repairs, costing me my 40+ hours save (because I somehow switched off auto upload for saves due to me having multiple PS4's or something) and I just started a completely new game immediately and played the whole thing over. Platinumed it last week, probably the most "focussed" I have been on a single game in a while now.

That being said, it does feel like a "first" game by a relatively "small" team. I guess what I am trying to say is that I feel it could use some decorations and extra stuff tacked on to what I thought was a pretty solid gameplay experience. Though the stuff I played in Shadow of Mordor was quite good overall I cannot help but feel like it fell short in overall atmosphere for lack of a better explanation. Almost as if literally everything you encounter on your journey through the game is in service of some of the few game mechanics. Nothing is added to enrich the universe in which you spend your time.

My hopes are, hearing that duder from Monolith talking about a possible sequel on the Lobby just now, that they will refine the gameplay mechanics, add some new elements, but use the additional time they have for part 2 to really flesh out the world in which the player runs around.

I think I would have to say Shadow of Mordor was my GOTY for 2014. Though that may have something to do with the fact that I have finished very little this year. Looking to improve on that in 2015.

PS. If Destiny doesn't win Dissapointment of the Year, I don't know what the fuck we're even doing anymore.
Just saw Part 11. Never played any MGS.

This game is fucking...something.

Honestly, up until this part, the whole of the Plant portion of the game is pretty much bad-to-tolerable. This is where the game slots into place and actually becomes something worthwhile.

All of the stand-out gameplay moments are in the Tanker section, like, but still!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I kind of dug the Big Shell sections, in general. Not as flashy as The Tanker, but I always have fun with it.
I would be disappointed if MK8 was GOTY or was even considered for it. It's a solid and fun game that revitalises some of the Mario kart magic lost in previous games through its tracks, visual appeal and sharing features, but nowhere near some of the quality of this year's releases.
The highest of qualities.

I really, really, REALLY liked Shadow of Mordor. To the point where my white PS4 crapped out and had to be sent in to SONY repairs, costing me my 40+ hours save (because I somehow switched off auto upload for saves due to me having multiple PS4's or something) and I just started a completely new game immediately and played the whole thing over. Platinumed it last week, probably the most "focussed" I have been on a single game in a while now.

That being said, it does feel like a "first" game by a relatively "small" team. I guess what I am trying to say is that I feel it could use some decorations and extra stuff tacked on to what I thought was a pretty solid gameplay experience. Though the stuff I played in Shadow of Mordor was quite good overall I cannot help but feel like it fell short in overall atmosphere for lack of a better explanation. Almost as if literally everything you encounter on your journey through the game is in service of some of the few game mechanics. Nothing is added to enrich the universe in which you spend your time.

My hopes are, hearing that duder from Monolith talking about a possible sequel on the Lobby just now, that they will refine the gameplay mechanics, add some new elements, but use the additional time they have for part 2 to really flesh out the world in which the player runs around.

I think I would have to say Shadow of Mordor was my GOTY for 2014. Though that may have something to do with the fact that I have finished very little this year. Looking to improve on that in 2015.

PS. If Destiny doesn't win Dissapointment of the Year, I don't know what the fuck we're even doing anymore.
I'm not in love with SoM, but I agree it's a solid foundation that could make for a fantastic sequel. *crosses fingers*

Destiny's a lock for some sort of award, but Most Disappointing is more contentious than usual this year. It might be something else.
Your Santa hat is going to get knocked off next episode. Get your seatbelt on.

You know, I ended up watching the rest of the game on Youtube after the cliffhanger of last night, and
I didn't find it THAT big of a mindfuck. Sure it swerves a LOT, but the stuff it's throwing around didn't seem insanely crazy to me, though I am sure a lot of that is to do with timing, and how a lot of these concepts of simulation and reality are much larger conversations now than they were back then. Probably the biggest swerve for me was Raiden being a child soldier.

Also I think the Ray fight is going to crush Drew.
It's not just the pure novelty of MGS2 having such crazy plot twists that made it different back in 2001; it was also the real world perception of the game itself, which was practically a meta element to the plot and themes of MGS2.

MGS2 today has the reputation of being a weird game with an insane final act and a bait and switch, blah blah. MGS2 as it was first being released was "oh my God this is the next generation of video games, have you seen how crazy this game looks, have you watched all of the trailers two dozen times and made up a new theory every time, and have you seen how much detail they've put into everything, this blows the fuck out of everything else on the market today, I bought ZOE for $50 just for the demo and played it a million times on every difficulty, this is going to be the best game ever made, Snake is so badass, I can't wait to finally play another Metal Gear Solid."

To get an idea of what it was like, imagine going into a theater on Day 1 to see Empire Strikes Back or Terminator 2 after their blockbuster advertising campaigns and hype based on the previous films and how much their technology and storytelling was being praised, and then suddenly the movie goes into a completely different direction a fifth of the way in, and finally
it suddenly reveals itself as this bizarre postmodern deconstruction of the blockbuster summer action movie sequels, and this whole time was deliberately using your expectations of a sequel and your reaction to the marketing campaign against you as a message about audiences mindlessly consuming movies and standardized tropes and idolizing action heroes.
To get an idea of what it was like, imagine going into a theater on Day 1 to see Empire Strikes Back or Terminator 2 after their blockbuster advertising campaigns and hype based on the previous films and how much their technology and storytelling was being praised, and then suddenly the movie goes into a completely different direction a fifth of the way in, and finally
it suddenly reveals itself as this bizarre postmodern deconstruction of the blockbuster summer action movie sequels, and this whole time was deliberately using your expectations of a sequel and your reaction to the marketing campaign against you as a message about audiences mindlessly consuming movies and standardized tropes and idolizing action heroes.

Man, you could sum this all up so much more efficiently.

Imagine if you bought Spec Ops: the Line thinking it was going to be like Call of Duty.


Except in the end nobody perceived the subtext of MGS2 and instead parroted fuck raiden without any hint of irony every time mgs2 was brought up until the end of forever
Man, you could sum this all up so much more efficiently.

Imagine if you bought Spec Ops: the Line thinking it was going to be like Call of Duty.

Sort of, but my point is more like if
millions of dudebros bought next year's Call of Duty and then the game suddenly turns into Spec Ops: The Line.
Except in the end nobody perceived the subtext of MGS2 and instead parroted fuck raiden without any hint of irony every time mgs2 was brought up until the end of forever

Yeah it kind of accidentally proved Kojima's point about memes and information in a way he didn't intend when nearly every time the games media brings up MGS2 and the Raiden switch they almost always
refer to him as simply a whiner or a rookie/newbie when his character arc reveals that no, he's actually a battle hardened killer with years of experience who is correct in his suspicions that something is completely fucked up with the whole mission but keeps going on anyway because he has no choice.
May I offer this perspective: Raiden is a perfectly competent protagonist, with some understandable social awkwardness due to his past, like pretty much EVERY METAL GEAR CHARACTER...

...and Solid Snake is a fucking creep.


I really, really, REALLY liked Shadow of Mordor. To the point where my white PS4 crapped out and had to be sent in to SONY repairs, costing me my 40+ hours save (because I somehow switched off auto upload for saves due to me having multiple PS4's or something) and I just started a completely new game immediately and played the whole thing over. Platinumed it last week, probably the most "focussed" I have been on a single game in a while now.

That being said, it does feel like a "first" game by a relatively "small" team. I guess what I am trying to say is that I feel it could use some decorations and extra stuff tacked on to what I thought was a pretty solid gameplay experience. Though the stuff I played in Shadow of Mordor was quite good overall I cannot help but feel like it fell short in overall atmosphere for lack of a better explanation. Almost as if literally everything you encounter on your journey through the game is in service of some of the few game mechanics. Nothing is added to enrich the universe in which you spend your time.

My hopes are, hearing that duder from Monolith talking about a possible sequel on the Lobby just now, that they will refine the gameplay mechanics, add some new elements, but use the additional time they have for part 2 to really flesh out the world in which the player runs around.

I think I would have to say Shadow of Mordor was my GOTY for 2014. Though that may have something to do with the fact that I have finished very little this year. Looking to improve on that in 2015.

PS. If Destiny doesn't win Dissapointment of the Year, I don't know what the fuck we're even doing anymore.

I totally agree. Mordor has scope but it lacks scale. It really would have benefited from more varied environments, missions, enemy types, ect. As you said though, its to be expected from a first game and Monolith has def built an incredible foundation for future installments. Its not my personal GOTY, but I don't fault any publication that does pick it.
Raider might be a well trained killer, but boy did he seem completely incompetent in a majority of mgs2. I know his story, his story, all that Jazz. But the dude was always like 10 steps behind everyone at every turn.
Raider might be a well trained killer, but boy did he seem completely incompetent in a majority of mgs2. I know his story, his story, all that Jazz. But the dude was always like 10 steps behind everyone at every turn.

Because he's you, the player. Sure you might've beat MGS1 10 times in a row, you know all the tricks, you 1 shot each boss, but in the end you've been played like a fiddle.
I've always appreciated how despite having the same appearance and voice, Kojima was always able to give Solid Snake and Big Boss different... uh, voices, so to speak.

Snake is this far more cynical, sarcastic jerk with a nasty attitude; it makes sense when you consider that even by MGS1, he's been betrayed by his closest comrade and mentor and forced to kill them, and he's really never been allowed much of a life of his own. But he's extremely smart, and underneath his caustic exterior and sometimes creepy actions disregarding the choices of other people, he's actually a genuinely kind person who doesn't think too much of himself and wants to do the right thing.

Big Boss on the other hand has this more stiff air about him like he doesn't really know how to act around other people outside of obeying orders and working with fellow soldiers, and any deviation from that upsets him greatly. This manifests itself as a mixture of a kind of cute naivete (bordering on Anime Hero Stupidity) about personal relationships and childish fears and beliefs, and as a much more sinister level of simple minded idealism (sprouting from his inability to deal with the world and other people) that creeps in over the course of Peace Walker. He wants to think that he's a nice guy deep down, but he's really not.


Drunky McMurder
mutha fuckin Jazzpunk

Fuck everything else.

What's that? That sounds like some sort of February game for jerks. Nobody cares about those come GOTY time

edit: Oh god the MGS discussion, I really gotta remember to refresh the page more often when I come back to a tab.

I never played the original MGS so I didn't have any of the attachment to Snake or the expectations that a lot of people had. So my only impression really was "This game is weird as fuck". I also didn't have any problem with Raiden, because he wasn't even the sixth most annoying or messed up character in the game.


Wolfenstein for Best Surprise! (It's top 10 for me)

Also, yea I think Mordor takes it. It looks like the game that everyone can agree on. Although I remember Brad saying he should really play Bayonetta 2. It's possible that it was a contender or it got its props somewhere else.
MGS2 is fucking weird. What is the point of revealing that
"Otacon had an affair with his stepmother, causing his father to commit suicide and nearly drown his sister..."
If you don't care about spoilers, watch this video. It's a critical analysis of MGS2 and it's great.

Not sure if Kojima is a fucking genius, or threw a bunch of shit at the wall.

Critical Close-up: Metal Gear Solid 2: http://youtu.be/T-2YuPGYabw

I kind of want to get GB premium just to see Drew's reaction. Do they have video of their faces?
Did everything in Mordor work at launch? Yes

Is Mordor made by Nintendo? No


They all sounded pretty high on FC4 in the recent cast too, that could take it.

I could see FC4 winning, but I haven't heard it really wow any of them other than saying "yeah it's really solid, though mostly more of the same from FC3." Mordor on the other hand had Brad and Dan raving about it in multiple quicklooks, podcasts, and other videos. Nobody has really spoken out against it either. Jason and Patrick will probably rally for Bayonetta 2 pretty hard, but I don't think it will be enough to sway Jeff and Brad.
I've always appreciated how despite having the same appearance and voice, Kojima was always able to give Solid Snake and Big Boss different... uh, voices, so to speak.

Snake is this far more cynical, sarcastic jerk with a nasty attitude; it makes sense when you consider that even by MGS1, he's been betrayed by his closest comrade and mentor and forced to kill them, and he's really never been allowed much of a life of his own. But he's extremely smart, and underneath his caustic exterior and sometimes creepy actions disregarding the choices of other people, he's actually a genuinely kind person who doesn't think too much of himself and wants to do the right thing.

Big Boss on the other hand has this more stiff air about him like he doesn't really know how to act around other people outside of obeying orders and working with fellow soldiers, and any deviation from that upsets him greatly. This manifests itself as a mixture of a kind of cute naivete (bordering on Anime Hero Stupidity) about personal relationships and childish fears and beliefs, and as a much more sinister level of simple minded idealism (sprouting from his inability to deal with the world and other people) that creeps in over the course of Peace Walker. He wants to think that he's a nice guy deep down, but he's really not.

I never played MGS3 or beyond, but I would assume that Solid, Liquid, and Solidus were meant to represent Big Boss's morally good, bad, and neutral sides, respectively.
why did you never play the best metal gear solid

The PS4 is the first Sony system I've ever owned. I played through MGS1 at a friend's house and through MGS2 on my brother's PS2. I loved the story in MGS1, but the whole Patriots crap and especially the ending of MGS2 really soured me on the series. I'm curious about MGS3, but I have a ton of games to play through right now, so I'm not sure I'll get around to it. Has anybody played the 3DS port?
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