I dunno about Patrick arguing for Bayonetta 2 for the big spot.
From how he talked about the game on the Bombcast, I would bet that he's taking Bayo 2 over Mordor, and it might be his GOTY. It's up there at least.
I dunno about Patrick arguing for Bayonetta 2 for the big spot.
I don't have much of a problem with Raiden, he seems a bit goofy and like he's in over his head and incompetent in spots, but I don't hate him. I honestly don't understand how the story can get even more crazy, but it's probably smart to not underestimate Kojima.
From how he talked about the game on the Bombcast, I would bet that he's taking Bayo 2 over Mordor, and it might be his GOTY. It's up there at least.
Raiden was never the big problem with that game, he just suffered because was basically a much less cool version of Snake for the majority for the game. The real problem is Rose, who is by far the most annoying part of the whole game and is completly unbelievable as a character troughout the game. I have less of a problem believing in, than I have with believing Raiden and Rose ever had any kind of love or affection for each other.AIs residing in the promodial ooze of the country, who are trying to completly take over the world
Then again, when he twitted about finishing the game he said along the lines: there is a strip dance in the credits, is shameful playing this game at public.
(Then again, he played the game in a plane)
Then again, when he twitted about finishing the game he said along the lines: there is a strip dance in the credits
here is a Dr Tracksuit design I did....
hey, wouldn't you date a weirdo who never slept with you and bolted after sexy fun times even after a year of dating? Or who has no posters in his industrial-ass room?
I mean, it's all on her. No one forced her to date a reserved, cold hearted guy who seems to have severe emotional issues and a hefty dose of PTSD. She had a year to either get used to him or move on, and she's so insecure that she did neither and just stuck around to badger and haggle the guy during a period of time where the entirety of the world's order hangs in the balance. They're both kinda shitty to one another, but man this isn't the time to bring that shit up.
here is a Dr Tracksuit design I did....
hey, wouldn't you date a weirdo who never slept with you and bolted after sexy fun times even after a year of dating? Or who has no posters in his industrial-ass room?
I mean, it's all on her. No one forced her to date a reserved, cold hearted guy who seems to have severe emotional issues and a hefty dose of PTSD. She had a year to either get used to him or move on, and she's so insecure that she did neither and just stuck around to badger and haggle the guy during a period of time where the entirety of the world's order hangs in the balance. They're both kinda shitty to one another, but man this isn't the time to bring that shit up.
Eh, talking about that scene on Idle Thumbs, he didn't seem very bothered about it. Didn't take away any of his enjoyment of the game. And yeah, playing that game in public when that scene came on, I'd be pretty embarrassed too.
There's a pole dance to the sound of the original Moon River, but no stripping. It's quite tame.
I just noticed some quick looks like the crew and I am bread for example aren't on the youtube channel. Are they choosing select specific content for youtube or did they forget to upload them?
If the pre Christmas break stream was just everyone sitting around watching Drew play to the end of MGS2 I would be ok with that
Please, for the love of Alberto Del Rio tell me that the last one is gonna be live. It has to be.
the last 3 episodes of MGScanlon were clearly recorded on the same day and i wouldn't be surprised if the next one was recorded that day, too. So theyre either done with it already or left the very last episode for a live stream.
Please, for the love of Alberto Del Rio tell me that the last one is gonna be live. It has to be.
Dan already confirmed it won't be. A trade-off for getting it finished before Christmas.
Episode 11 was the last episode recorded that day, so unless they've recorded something this week they don't have any more episodes in the can.
Dan said on the podcast this week that they hadn't finished yet. Pretty sure those three episodes were the last recorded.
the last 3 episodes of MGScanlon were clearly recorded on the same day and i wouldn't be surprised if the next one was recorded that day, too. So theyre either done with it already or left the very last episode for a live stream.
Please, for the love of Alberto Del Rio tell me that the last one is gonna be live. It has to be.
I think they didn't use more people than they didNeither Jeff nor jason use my man yamazaki?
What is this heresy?
Join CNET's Jeff Bakalar as he sat down with Russ Frushtick along with Giant Bomb's Vinny Caravella and Alex Navarro as they round up everything 2014 had to offer in gaming. The guys cover the highs, the lows and everything in between including a look towards 2015.
I think they didn't use more people than they did
I do love me some 98 Yamazaki, though.
Vinny, Alex and 404 show podcast
GBeast x 404 show
- The 404
- Jeff Bakalar
- Alex Navarro
- Vinny Caravella
- Russ Frushtick
- itunes
- RSS Feed MP3
GBeast x 404 show
Thanks, this is pretty good so far.
Brad spoiling the end to MGS 2 before Drew picks up the controller
hey, wouldn't you date a weirdo who never slept with you and bolted after sexy fun times even after a year of dating? Or who has no posters in his industrial-ass room?
I mean, it's all on her. No one forced her to date a reserved, cold hearted guy who seems to have severe emotional issues and a hefty dose of PTSD. She had a year to either get used to him or move on, and she's so insecure that she did neither and just stuck around to badger and haggle the guy during a period of time where the entirety of the world's order hangs in the balance. They're both kinda shitty to one another, but man this isn't the time to bring that shit up.
GBeast x 404 show
- The 404
- Jeff Bakalar
- Alex Navarro
- Vinny Caravella
- Russ Frushtick
- ITunes
- RSS Feed MP3
Hahaha, then insisting that the game is too old for them to be considered spoilers.
Dr. Tracksuit is the best thing about giantbomb.com, a website about videogames.here is a Dr Tracksuit design I did....
here is a Dr Tracksuit design I did....
Two Pro Wrestlers will have top 10 lists on GB this year. My guesses: Xavier Woods, and STARDUST.
Dan and his super kick are offended.Dr. Tracksuit and Alex Navarro.
Two Pro Wrestlers will have top 10 lists on GB this year. My guesses: Xavier Woods, and STARDUST.