Explaining the ending of MGS2 to Drew should be fairly straightforward.
I'm not exactly sure what you're referring too, but I'll guess he somehow got ME2 up higher on the list based on the fact that people who didn't agree "Didn't even play shadow broker dlc".
He used the same tactic last year with brothers and puppeteer(?). It's a tactic that works, but I think if that's how you wanna roll then you need to play every game in the debate to conclusion.... which is something he might do already.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Sweet lord. Is MGS the most complicated and insane video game plot ever? I don't think i've ever seen a flowchart for a game's story before, besides a timeline for the Zelda games.
No it was the argument over DLC of the year I think. Brad fillibustering at its finest. Made for the best debate that year.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Explaining the ending of MGS2 to Drew should be fairly straightforward.
Completely agreed. I had to resist adding onto the pile to him as I don't want to be one of 'those' people. I'm not even a massive Halo fan, but there are far more COD-likes and alternatives than there are with Halo. I'm sure deep down Jeff gets that Halo should evolve in a way that will be mostly welcomed by Halo fans.Based on Jeff's comments on Halo 5 on Twitter, I think Jeff's desire for Halo to change is one of the few things I think he's completely off base about. I'm fine with Halo changing, but his comments on Halo 5 seem like he wants it to just become CoD. Halo 5 currently has it so if you're hit you're knocked out of ADS, which is how Halo has always functioned with scopes. He wants them to remove that, which would completely change the feel of the game. I get the Halo playstyle doesn't appeal to him, but he doesn't seem to recognize there's people that prefer a different style shooter and not every game should have to appeal to the same crowd. At least Drew has my back.
Just finished my 4th watch through of it a few days ago. Still great and it'll never be topped which is why slightly different takes on it like MG Scanlon is the better way to go.Finally almost done with the P4 ER and for the first time in about 50 episodes I burst out laughing with Vinny's "I got touched....what?" afterChie says "Well I know one's thing's for certain." in one of the last little team meet ups.
Okay so when you guys wanna do this (House of Leaves giant bomb thread book club not sponsored by giant bomb)? After the holidays to give some people some time to get the book if they don't have it yet? At least one person messaged me saying they were going out to buy it, or planned on doing it at least.
Are people fast readers/have a lot of time? How fast you wanna go? A month to finish it? Large sections of the book are largely literally gibberish so it's not as intimidating as it seems.
Would we want a separate thread? I know I'm not that happy when a thread gets polluted with something I'm not terribly interested in. Plus it could have the added benefit of getting more people in, or maybe others don't want that I dunno.
Up to you guys I'm just along for the ride.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Okay so when you guys wanna do this (House of Leaves giant bomb thread book club not sponsored by giant bomb)? After the holidays to give some people some time to get the book if they don't have it yet? At least one person messaged me saying they were going out to buy it, or planned on doing it at least.
Are people fast readers/have a lot of time? How fast you wanna go? A month to finish it? Large sections of the book are largely literally gibberish so it's not as intimidating as it seems.
Would we want a separate thread? I know I'm not that happy when a thread gets polluted with something I'm not terribly interested in. Plus it could have the added benefit of getting more people in, or maybe others don't want that I dunno.
Up to you guys I'm just along for the ride.
Explaining the ending of MGS2 to Drew should be fairly straightforward.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Brad kind of single-handedly got Mass Effect 3 off Most Dissapointing Game last year. Sim City "won" that category. Could see it happening again.
I hope Dan and Drew keep going with the couple episodes at a time schedule once they move onto 3, the recent episodes are even better because of it.
Explaining the ending of MGS2 to Drew should be fairly straightforward.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
Explaining the ending of MGS2 to Drew should be fairly straightforward.
Okay so when you guys wanna do this (House of Leaves giant bomb thread book club not sponsored by giant bomb)? After the holidays to give some people some time to get the book if they don't have it yet? At least one person messaged me saying they were going out to buy it, or planned on doing it at least.
Are people fast readers/have a lot of time? How fast you wanna go? A month to finish it? Large sections of the book are largely literally gibberish so it's not as intimidating as it seems.
Would we want a separate thread? I know I'm not that happy when a thread gets polluted with something I'm not terribly interested in. Plus it could have the added benefit of getting more people in, or maybe others don't want that I dunno.
Up to you guys I'm just along for the ride.
The hero we deserve.Since people are leaving for the holidays early next week, it sounds like we're gonna come in over the weekend and crank out the rest of the game. No promises since it's not in the can yet, but we really want to do it.
The audio sync being off is bothering me more than it should.
Seems fine for me?The audio sync being off is bothering me more than it should.