Merry Christmas![]()
I have a question about the last fight in mgs2
When Solidus gets sliced in the back and falls towards the ledge, just before falling he looks like he's saying something but there's no speech. Does anyone know if he's supposed to say something but it just got cut? Or what?
"Father.." Referring to the George Washington statue
Originally that scene had Raiden cutting a string to an American flag and it landing over top of his body. (The downward swipe he does at the end was the animation) but because of 9/11 a lot of that was cut and altered.
Wow cool, thanks. Too bad they had to cut all that stuff out due to 9/11. But I'm glad that the information on how it was supposed to be is out there.
Is cbsi having issues GB, gamespot and gamefaqs are all down for me.
They're working here.
Is cbsi having issues GB, gamespot and gamefaqs are all down for me.
so what defines a metal gear? needs to be bipedal and can launch nukes right?
So does arsenal gear... have legs?
so what defines a metal gear? needs to be bipedal and can launch nukes right?
So does arsenal gear... have legs?
so what defines a metal gear? needs to be bipedal and can launch nukes right?
So does arsenal gear... have legs?
i think its just whatever they want to call a metal gear
i mean
does the shagohad count? i dunno in the official metal gear lore
Following an encounter with a Gekko in 2014, Otacon explained to Old Snake that what makes a "Metal Gear" is specifically its nuclear launch capability.[1] Taking in Granin's original coinage of the term, it can be therefore assumed that a Metal Gear can be defined as a bipedal nuclear weapon. Not only does this negate the Gekkos and the Mk. II/Mk. III from being true Metal Gears, but it also discounts Metal Gear RAY. Otacon notes that RAY was an exception to the definition, as it was overall created under the premise of nuclear strategy (it targeting nuclear warhead-equipped Metal Gears).
The Shagohad isn't a Metal Gear. It's a Shagohad.
heres the official definition from the wiki
that also leaves out the kickass one in rising
yeah but its like a pre term version they can just go and apply the name back to it
yeah but its like a pre term version they can just go and apply the name back to it
Shagohad runs on tank treads doesn't it?
didnt it have like little standy up things
or were they arms
didnt it have like little standy up things
or were they arms
Ha. Same. Except did a trial run tonight with my wife and mom. Tomorrow taking to my brothers for the full 8 person extravaganza.
Drawful and fibbage are both top tier. YDKJ we're saving for having friends over other times. Word Spud and the lie game would be ok for being well into an evening.
They don't need nuclear launch capabilities but need to be nuclear powered then?
Or are the Rays not?
Did they ever go into detail about what makes Metal Gear Ray 'anti metal gear'? Was thinking it was more of just a cool mech vs mech factor, but Kojima seems to love to give some reasoning behind everything.
But then... what was the logical reason behind metal gear for MGS1? What made a bipedal nuke launching platform better than nuke equipped sub?
Do you remember Snake? the FEEL of battle?
Oh man, looking through my steam wishlist made me remember this.
Hoping it ends up on daily or flash, because it actually looks really fun to play.
Just watched the 13th Scanlon. One thing that Dan said was interesting. It was only between 98 and 00 when they came up with a story so damn advanced. When you look at the whole "control the information" thing, you could say thats like the perfect story line for a game in 2014. MGS2 was sooo far ahead of its time. Its nothing new. But still incredible.
Worth the full price IMO. 6 cases - all incredibly varied with unique environments and sometimes entire gameplay mechanics that only get used once. Gorgeous game too.
According to the documentary that came with the euro version of mgs2 the 800 page script was written in November 98.
Holy crap. Kojima. Have my babies.
They were drills. kojima
ugh, so this years GOTY is in podcast form?
that's disappointing.
ugh, so this years GOTY is in podcast form?
that's disappointing.
ugh, so this years GOTY is in podcast form?
that's disappointing.
podcast & video, as always
lay off the eggnog m8
I've figured out the boy's punishment. First, he's grounded. No leaving the house, not even for school. Second, no egg nog. In fact, no nog, period. And third, absolutely no stealing for 3 months.