Well I didn't have a rechargeable pack, it was 6 standards AA batteries directly in the Gamegear that leaked all over the place.
Anyway, not a big deal but it sucks to throw away old consoles.
Oh, gotcha. Maybe take a look at this: http://forum.digitpress.com/forum/showthread.php?134153-Cleaning-battery-acid-off-my-Game-Gear (just came up after googling "game gear leaked batteries")
Pretty sure you can clean it up, no need to throw it away.
I wonder if that dude ever knew he became famous.
I wonder if that dude ever knew he became famous.
I remember I couldn't stop laughing for about 5 minutes after this.
Its the best.
I should point out that I do like metal gear, but it kinda took over - a bit like souls games did the year before.
Reading neogafThis year was great because we got both Souls & MGS!
Wonder what the next Breaking Bard will be
is there no game over on alert setting in mgs3?
I believe that's European Extreme, maybe?
I believe that's European Extreme, maybe?
Definitely in the top 5 giantbomb moments for me.
The pathos
It was an empty room with nothing but a chair and a tv and that line completely killed me.This is what we need! The NeoGAF Community Thread Top 10 Giant Bomb moments of 2014.
-Vinny proclaiming "This is the kind of room Rorie would live in".. when it's like an apartment in a drug den.
This is what we need! The NeoGAF Community Thread Top 10 Giant Bomb moments of 2014.
When was that?It was an empty room with nothing but a chair and a tv and that line completely killed me.
Man I need some new vinny content soon
When was that?
The Dan vs Jeff jump rope in Mario Party 2 was also really great. There's been a ton of hilarious moments this year. The pog fight, Dan hating on Boyle in Velvet Sundown, incredibly drunk Dave Lang at GDC, and many more.
He's called vamp because he's gay, and was in a relationship with Fortunes father. Looking up the definition of Vamp-
a seductive woman who uses her sensuality to exploit men.
So....I guess?
The pog one wins for me. Mario Party jump rope is close. Basically anything Jeff vs Dan will turn out well
guys. pogs was probably the best.
He's bisexual, a recurring trope for MGS villains. Vampires in literature have been known to represent bisexuality.
Any chance Dan reads this thread?
Also I think it would be interesting for them to start mgs3 and use the snake eater style overhead camera and see how drew takes to it..
Maybe see if he gets through the virtuous mission without complaining and then during operation snake eater switch to the subsistence camera?
Since he just played two games with the overhead maybe he wouldn't complain too much?
Any chance Dan reads this thread?
Also I think it would be interesting for them to start mgs3 and use the snake eater style overhead camera and see how drew takes to it..
Maybe see if he gets through the virtuous mission without complaining and then during operation snake eater switch to the subsistence camera?
Since he just played two games with the overhead maybe he wouldn't complain too much?
Roughly 16h left till GOTY time.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Jeff said during the Tuesday stream that people voted for the big 2014 titles to be revisited in their GOTY videos. Colossal letdown if true. They should have limited the vote to games that hadn't received any video coverage. If they end up looking at Dragon Age & company again, that would be such a missed opportunity. Let's hope the GB community was smarter than that.
Any chance Dan reads this thread?