This is a pretty huge loss. They need to have someone good lined up for a replacement, because otherwise they've completely lost one of the more different voices and a connection to the aspects of crazier underside of gaming that they otherwise don't touch.
I thought that was just another meme like Brad leaving tho...
If only the would hire Cara....
And yeah people in here already suspected it. It was always weird to build up a New York office and then still have that one guy in Chicago.
God damn it Alex better gets another show going...with Vinny...
I hope it's Alex, Vinny and a third GB chair.Cara
Those CNET guys - no thank you.
I hope it's Alex, Vinny and a third GB chair.Cara
Those CNET guys - no thank you.
rip monster hunter 4 quick look
I think Jason really likes MH so thats at least one of Patricks niches covered.
Saw this coming from a mile away. Still sucks though.
Wow. Good luck Patrick.
They need a new news guy now?
What you don't like this guy !?
what if its the TV Guide woman and that guy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
They need a news woman. The fallout from another guy getting hired would be unbearable.
No but I like the title change.
She can guest on VinnyVania.
I think the Horror coverage will suffer a lot. I don't know if Jason is a big horror guy.
I thought that was just another meme like Brad leaving tho...
I remember him replying to a question on Tumblr a couple of weeks ago where he was saying he wasn't interested in going on the dev side just to do community management but he would be interested if he was in charge of curating an indie label.
I always thought that that answer was weirdly specific.
What if CAH gets into game publishing?
so anyway
seeing how they're hiring for their ny office
i heard this patrick klepek guy is available
Hm, interesting idea. I wonder why Max has never thought about maybe doing that exact thing?
Hm, interesting idea. I wonder why Max has never thought about maybe doing that exact thing?
anonymous asked:
Hey Patrick, just a brief question this week: What are you most looking forward to in 2015, whether it's in video games, other media, or just your life in general?
2013 was a transition year. 2014 felt a bit..static. I wanna go big in 2015.
anonymous asked:
I'm happy for you and Vinny, being in the cities you want/need to be, I really am. You have both taken decisions that you should have made. That said, it's kind of bumming me out watching the latest content. It's awesome seeing everybody together. Good luck with the deliberations!
Its rough, man. Sometimes you need a change, and sometimes change finds you. Thats life. Nothing ever stays the way it is. But its also what makes life interesting, exciting, and novel. You constantly need to reinvent yourself. What you value at 20-years-old is not what you value at 30-years-old, and theres no way to know how those values are going to change. It just does. But theres such a special thing going here, and its been a privledge to find ways to keep it going, even as our lives begin to change.
atdmin asked:
I sometimes think Jeff is in an unusual position as being an "older" video games writer. I wish for you to stay around as long as possible, but the industry doesn't seem to allow people to do that. Have you thought about what you would want to do if you had/wanted to change careers? Possibly a real life spelunker? What ever it is please try to write in your free time. Thanks.
The idea of changing careers entirely sounds terrifying. I suppose its possible, but cant tell you how one would pull it off. Lateral moves make more sense to me. Helping curate a label within a publisher focused on independent games? Sure.
Who's going to talk about Danganronpa and Zero Escape now.
You didn't even get to Ace Attorney before you left, Patrick! Damn it.
Patrick Klepek ‏@patrickklepek 39 seconds ago
I assume all of these tweets are to congratulate my car on passing its latest emissions test today. Thank you.
He already does. He was the main funder for Samurai Gun if I remember correctly.
But he made Bayonetta 2 his #1 and (I assume) fought to get it high on the overall top 10, so he left on a high note.
Someone needs to make a video of his best GB moments with Moon River as the background music ASAP.
Dan: I hear there's more to life than wrestling and Metal Gear, but in case there isn't, you've got us all covered. You've brought a tremendous (and seemingly boundless) amount of energy to the site at time it really needs it. And hey, if you need another rollercoaster buddy, holler. This time, let's go backwards.