Probably enjoying the last of their vacation instead of tracking each other on social media sites.
Only Alex really uses twitter in that way anymore. Dan likes to tweet about wrestling and selling his books but doesn't really engage in conversations unless he is trolling people.
Also I would bet all these guys talk on a near daily basis - at least via IM or email - and they have likely known where Patrick was going for weeks. Unless they publicly congratulate him on twitter though, I guess they all hate him now and are bitter about it.
Haven't visited the site in god knows how long but the last time I listened to the podcast it was awful. I don't think will and norm have very good chemistry. They need Gary.
I was mainly joking. That Jeremy guy is no Whitta (who apparently blows, lol) but is fine.
I am pretty bitter that the last podcast of the year was another fucking Adam podcast though. I avoid the Adam only sycophant-cast and here he is again, on the regular podcast. FML.