And who says Jeff hates games
I though Max left Rev3 so he could do his Comedy Button Patreon thing?
DA: I is turning into my biggest disappointment of 2014. I just hate the mission design in the game, too much MMO-like bullshit, and the story isn't doing much for me. I really loved DA: O, but this?
Oh well, I can always fire up Baldur's Gate 2.
What scares me is that Bioware has been talking a lot about how this is going to be the template for the next Mass Effect game.
I was never the biggest ME fan but my love for Sci-Fi was enough to get me through the games but if they just make DA:I in space I'm out.
Wouldn't be too surprised if Greg Miller is on the Bombcast this week. I'm sure they're making the rounds right now, and Greg seems to be on good terms with the entire GB crew.
Dan Ryckert ‏@DanRyckert 59 seconds ago
So I think I just got gifted some land in England? And I'm apparently a Lord now.
oh geez
And who says Jeff hates games
Same here. I was so excited when people were talking the game up, since I liked DA:O so much and could have seen me enjoy more of an action style combat, but MAN is that game full of boring and useless stuff. It's my biggest disappointment of 2014, for sure.DA: I is turning into my biggest disappointment of 2014. I just hate the mission design in the game, too much MMO-like bullshit, and the story isn't doing much for me. I really loved DA: O, but this?
Oh well, I can always fire up Baldur's Gate 2.
Someone spent £25 to make Dan a lord, money well spent.
Same here. I was so excited when people were talking the game up, since I liked DA:O so much and could have seen me enjoy more of an action style combat, but MAN is that game full of boring and useless stuff. It's my biggest disappointment of 2014, for sure.
oh geez
The Oxford Guide to Heraldry said:Lordship of this or that manor is no more a title than Landlord of the Dog and Duck.
I really like AGDQ, but man am I tired of hearing the words "tech" and "strat".
Nothing will ever be better than Bat-tech!
Yeah some of the lingo they use can be pretty ridiculous sometimes.
And then it rarely gets explained so I feel out of the loop![]()
But when one of the commentators explains well, it's fascinating. <3
But when one of the commentators explains well, it's fascinating. <3
Jeff is sending out super secret cryptic tweets
Excuse me? How dare you use Lord Rykerts first name! Show him the respect that his title demands.I doubt Dan thought this was serious.
I'm playing through MGS3 andI was climbing the ladder and the Snake Eater theme started playing. That was cool. And on top of the mountains, if you look below, you can see the whole jungle you have been fighting and foraging through. That combined with the bumpy land on the top of the mountain with the Russians shooting rocket launchers at you from a distance is so well executed. Also The End boss fight is one of my favourite boss fights now. Wow.
Endurance run confirmed
F.Zero GX right now is insane!
Follow up question; was that the mythic tweet or did I miss something?
I'm playing through MGS3 andI was climbing the ladder and the Snake Eater theme started playing. That was cool. And on top of the mountains, if you look below, you can see the whole jungle you have been fighting and foraging through. That combined with the bumpy land on the top of the mountain with the Russians shooting rocket launchers at you from a distance is so well executed. Also The End boss fight is one of my favourite boss fights now. Wow.
no one everbecause I would justshot rocket launchers at mesnipe them with the Mosin I got from beating The End nonlethally, ~or~, deliberately fuck shit up by jumping into the AA guns and blasting everything including the buildings and Hinds.
no one everbecause I would justshot rocket launchers at mesnipe them with the Mosin I got from beating The End nonlethally, ~or~, deliberately fuck shit up by jumping into the AA guns and blasting everything including the buildings and Hinds.
Are there any events that Dan and/or Drew are going to be attending this month? I sort of hoping that the stars align andthough I imagine Dan and Jason will prevent that from happening.they take more than a week before the End fight, killing him the easy way
Are there any events that Dan and/or Drew are going to be attending this month? I sort of hoping that the stars align andthough I imagine Dan and Jason will prevent that from happening.they take more than a week before the End fight, killing him the easy way
The variety of ways you can tackle situations is one of my favorite things about MGS3. I can't wait to see Drew's take on everything, hope he experiments a lot.
I hope Drew goes full CQC throat slicing mode and thenhas a comically long Sorrow fight.
Is everyone from GB going to PAX or just GB West?
Brad is going to stream Destiny all day everyday while everyone else is at PAX.
Endurance run confirmed
Jeff hired Cara, and she will be starting the Yakuza Full Series Endurance Run next week with Vinny.No it's obviously hinting that Jeff hired Cara, read between the lines dude.