When is GBeast quicklooks coming back?
No ETA yet afaik.
When is GBeast quicklooks coming back?
Guys I want Metal Gear Scanlon 3. (Or any premium content really)
Dan and Drew pls.
I guess I'll officially say this here first. That other platform for the anxiety stuff will be a book that I'm working on now. I'm about halfway done with it. It details the onset of my anxiety disorders, the twelve years of struggling with it, and more importantly, the things I've learned to do in order to keep it under control and make it an afterthought now.
I'll probably field a few anxiety questions on Danswers if they come in, but the full story and advice on that front will be in the book.
im dying
so is Dan in Team A?
Premium idea: Trap John T. Drake and Dan in a room together for 48 hours, Drake has no access to coke. See who walks out alive.
I guess I'll officially say this here first. That other platform for the anxiety stuff will be a book that I'm working on now. I'm about halfway done with it. It details the onset of my anxiety disorders, the twelve years of struggling with it, and more importantly, the things I've learned to do in order to keep it under control and make it an afterthought now.
I'll probably field a few anxiety questions on Danswers if they come in, but the full story and advice on that front will be in the book.
Sounds really interesting!
Brad (and whatever people are in the office from gamespot & GB) should play a board game over skype/google hangout with alex and vinny.
I'd call it Unplugged: Plugged Edition.
Guys I want Metal Gear Scanlon 3. (Or any premium content really)
Dan and Drew pls.
rorie quick looksBrad and Rorie are the only ones in the office next week right? Even Danny, Chris and Peter Brown are off from GS next week.
Yea, they should just skip UPF and do MGS3 instead.
Brad isn't going to PAX?
Brad isn't going to PAX?
Brad (and whatever people are in the office from gamespot & GB) should play a board game over skype/google hangout with alex and vinny.
I'd call it Unplugged: Plugged Edition.
They should do another Destiny stream, we still need Vinny's perspective of the first few hours.
rorie quick looks
rorie quick looks
rorie quick looks
This is an excellent idea, but they won't have any video guys around so I doubt we're getting QLs.
This is an excellent idea, but they won't have any video guys around so I doubt we're getting QLs.
Brad and Rorie are the only ones in the office next week right?
I guess I'll officially say this here first. That other platform for the anxiety stuff will be a book that I'm working on now. I'm about halfway done with it. It details the onset of my anxiety disorders, the twelve years of struggling with it, and more importantly, the things I've learned to do in order to keep it under control and make it an afterthought now.
I'll probably field a few anxiety questions on Danswers if they come in, but the full story and advice on that front will be in the book.
Woah you would be the last guy i would think would have a history with anxiety issues. Good luck with the book Dan.
You should Watch the neverending nightmares quick look Drew & Dan talk about it a bit
Elite: Dangerous looks awesome but it also looks complicated enough that I don't know if I want to put the time into it.
It's time for Tested's podcast quote of the week!
While talking about the new Occulus Rift devkit and the fact that it's still difficult to read text.
Will Smith: "They need to create games or experiences like Oblivion or Mass Effect where text is not an important part of the experience"
Norman Chan: "Wait what? Those are two of the worst examples you could have given"
Will Smith: "What I'm saying is that they will have to make a custom UI for the Occulus just like they did for Oblivion on PC"
Man... You just can't make up that crap lol.
Wait... GBeast are building a new PC and not live streaming them messing it up?
It's time for Tested's podcast quote of the week!
While talking about the new Occulus Rift devkit and the fact that it's still difficult to read text.
Will Smith: "They need to create games or experiences like Oblivion or Mass Effect where text is not an important part of the experience"
Norman Chan: "Wait what? Those are two of the worst examples you could have given"
Will Smith: "What I'm saying is that they will have to make a custom UI for the Occulus just like they did for Oblivion on PC"
Man... You just can't make up that crap lol.
Alpha Protocol endurance run.Brad and Rorie are the only ones in the office next week right? Even Danny, Chris and Peter Brown are off from GS next week.