You remember Brad's attitude of indifference on the last one?
If you say 'I don't actually care about this' every 10 minutes you do actually care.
You remember Brad's attitude of indifference on the last one?
'Boy isn't this funny that the guy hates playing this game' becomes less funny by the 3rd time.
It's not even like Fortune Street where they kind of come around on it. Fuck Mario Party Party.
Don't like Mario Party Party? Don't watch it. I solved the problem guys.
I like Mario Party Party, but it's an argument about opportunity costs. What else could they produce using the 3+ hours they spend on Mario Party Party? Could we get another Demo Derby? Probably not a GBeast Playdate, given the time zone difference. Could we have gotten a Breaking Brad instead?
I like Mario Party Party, but it's an argument about opportunity costs. What else could they produce using the 3+ hours they spend on Mario Party Party? Could we get another Demo Derby? Probably not a GBeast Playdate, given the time zone difference. Could we have gotten a Breaking Brad instead?
I like Mario Party Party, but it's an argument about opportunity costs. What else could they produce using the 3+ hours they spend on Mario Party Party? Could we get another Demo Derby? Probably not a GBeast Playdate, given the time zone difference. Could we have gotten a Breaking Brad instead?
I like Mario Party Party, but it's an argument about opportunity costs. What else could they produce using the 3+ hours they spend on Mario Party Party? Could we get another Demo Derby? Probably not a GBeast Playdate, given the time zone difference. Could we have gotten a Breaking Brad instead?
The problem with Mario Party Party 3 is that is was four hours long. They were shambling husks by the end. The prior two videos were three hours which was long enough to break them without breaking the audience too.
I'm worried about the future of of Mario Party party. Surely big bad Nintendo will come along and nix the entire enterprise?
I like Mario Party Party, but it's an argument about opportunity costs. What else could they produce using the 3+ hours they spend on Mario Party Party? Could we get another Demo Derby? Probably not a GBeast Playdate, given the time zone difference. Could we have gotten a Breaking Brad instead?
I doubt they can do much if it's hosted on CBS resources. if Nintendo claims copyright, GB can send a counternotice saying that they think it's within their rights, and from there Nintendo would have to actually take them to court
obviously this isn't going to happen
Yeah, nothings going to happen. Youtube is shitty because they have an automated system and they have to bend over for corporations. Granted this gives the perception that streaming game content is illegal when it isnt, and if Nintendo took them to court they would lose songlehandedly.
I'm not so sure about that last point. I'm not very familiar with the US law on this, but from what I've read there seems to be different opinions on whether Let's Plays are strictly legal ("fair use"). Quick Look style content will probably be okay either way.
But your point about it being much safer for the content creator to not rely on Youtube is obviously correct here.
Mario Party Party also differs from normal Let's Plays in that there is camera on the guys themselves, and much of the content is based on their IRL interaction.
I'm not so sure about that last point. I'm not very familiar with the US law on this, but from what I've read there seems to be different opinions on whether Let's Plays are strictly legal ("fair use"). Quick Look style content will probably be okay either way.
But your point about it being much safer for the content creator to not rely on Youtube is obviously correct here.
I generally don't buy that line of argument, regardless of your enjoyment of MPP. They'll find the time to record Breaking Brad or Demo Derby if they want to, it's not like it's a sure thing that they would've used these three hours to record something else if they weren't recording MPP3.
A new Breaking Brad has nothing to do with finding time and everything to do with Brad to stop overthinking it and just pick a game to play. Demo Derby is usually recorded on a Friday to go up on Saturday so Mario Party wouldn't affect a new episode being recorded for this weekend GBeast playdate is unrelated since that only needs Vinny and Alex in a studio together and has nothing to do with GBWest since they could do it any other day.
I doubt they can do much if it's hosted on CBS resources. if Nintendo claims copyright, GB can send a counternotice saying that they think it's within their rights, and from there Nintendo would have to actually take them to court
obviously this isn't going to happen
When you're looking at how an organization uses its resources, it's a measurement of opportunity cost. Again, not a big deal to me since I've liked Mario Party Party, but that's a question, next to questions about results, when analyzing whether an activity or product is worthwhile.
Even if they aren't recording a Breaking Brad, a Jason-led MonHun video, a Jason-led Dark Souls 2 video, an Encyclopedia Bombastica, another Quick Look, a GBeast Playdate, or a Demo Derby instead of a Mario Party Party, it's up to them to decide whether there's a different way they could use that time and energy. Again, I'm not telling them how to do their jobs. They've been at this long enough to know how to measure whether spending 3+ hours on Mario Party Party is worth it based whatever series of metrics they're using, from number of viewers logged in during the live feed, the total number of views over time, to the subscriber feedback on what they thought of MPP. From an outside perspective, I would think of it as a question of what is this activity preventing you from doing.
Yeah, I was being a bit facetious. But does seem somewhat unfair, a full playthrough of Mario Party by GB is safe, when others are not.
@danryckert That might have just been the movie. DD is one of the characters that has like one or two good runs but is otherwise meh.
Everyone point and laugh at Ian.
Why do I oppose Mario Party Party 4? Because, sooner or later, the anger from this series will lead to undying enmity between the duders and destroy the site. So let me flip this around and ask a two-part question around to the supporters:
(1) Why do you support Mario Party Party 4 and (2) why do you want to destroy Giant Bomb?
If we're talking popularity, I can't remember a single piece of premium content having more people "chatting" (which I'm still not sure if is just the same as amount of viewers, if for example they count me when I'm watching it from the front page) than MPP3. IIRC it had about 5000. This one might get fewer, but from a pure numbers standpoint I'm sure it's still probably the most popular premium feature they do.
I gave Brad some pro MP tips on tumblr, I'm sure he read it and just forgot to reply.
So don't worry.
Who's DD? Donald Duck?
jesus you guys get so serious over what content gb chooses or doesn't choose to air
"Hey kids. Wanna play with my Skylanders"
No. But if it was he would also be laughably incorrect.
jesus you guys get so serious over what content gb chooses or doesn't choose to air
We're a serious bunch.
So, who is it?
So, who is it?
What else are we gonna do?jesus you guys get so serious over what content gb chooses or doesn't choose to air
For a few weeks I've been hearing Jeff say "COMAS PEOPLES!" in my head and couldn't remember what video that came from.
Fortunately, Youtube autoplay just keeps going and eventually you're watching the Dream Gear video.
Jeff Gerstmann @jeffgerstmann · 2 minutes ago
And the last one for today, which sums up what I was in 2007-8 quite well, I think!