In honour of the Ryckert Legacy, I've bought a bunch of Taco Bell and some Doritos to watch Mario Party Party 4.
...but it starts in an hour and a half and I'm hungry now.
my eternal problem
brad's small smirk is fucking great
In honour of the Ryckert Legacy, I've bought a bunch of Taco Bell and some Doritos to watch Mario Party Party 4.
...but it starts in an hour and a half and I'm hungry now.
I went with a cheesy gordita crunch and a chilli cheese burrito. Also gonna drink a Mountain Dew Code Red.Hell yeah someone else had my brilliant Taco Bell idea. What's your fourth meal of choice? Five layer burritos all day erry day for me. Cheap and delicious.
I went with a cheesy gordita crunch and a chilli cheese burrito. Also gonna drink a Mountain Dew Code Red.
NPD is part of my GAF filter, so they are not allowed to talk about it.
I've changed my mind and I'm going to California Tortilla which is basically Taco Bell but twice the price (but no diarrhea)
plus they have a coke freestyle machine
Well, I really want Twelve Minutes.
dude it's the bestI've yet to see one of those but they sound like magic
I haven't had Taco Bell in so long, need some of that soft taco goodness.
That's some sick gamer grub right there bro!
dude it's the best
I get Mello Yello Zero with orange flavoring and it's basically just orange soda with the caffeine of a mountain dew
they should make a statue of the person who thought up that thing
I mean, that sounds rad but at the same time, I've realised I dislike nearly every coke product besides Coke and Diet Coke so maybe they aren't as magical for me as I really think they are, hahaha.
Coke + orange + vanilla is underrated
Not gonna lie, Vanilla Coke Zero has been rocking my socks off lately. I prefer Pepsi Max when it comes to zero calorie sodas given that it's the one that most closely resembles OG soda but Coke has Vanilla and Cherry Zero so i gotta go with them because they know what's up.
Whats the chance they start at 10 on the dot, probably really low right?
I would defend Vanilla Coke to the death for being the #1 soda of all time.
I would defend Vanilla Coke to the death for being the #1 soda of all time.
Whats the chance they start at 10 on the dot, probably really low right?
It's the best. Shame I don't see it out in the wild anymore. Any time I do see it though I make sure to buy that shit up.
They've been starting on time most of their recent livestreams, so I would say that there's a good chance for that.
We're into Star Wars now, keep up.
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As Brett would say, "Coca. Fucking. Cola. MAYBE YOU HEARD OF IT!"I would defend Vanilla Coke to the death for being the #1 soda of all time.
Twelve Minutes looks awesome.
Yup. As someone who really likes adventure games this looks like a really fresh take on it. Sounds like it wil be a while though until we can play the finished game.
why are they doing this to themselves
If only they'd enable the membership discount so I could watch MPP4 live...
Could always buy a month for 5, then stack it with a year when the membership sale comes out.