stump sock
This was really damn good. We need a subscriber content "giant bomb jam session"
if the next song is "tears in heaven" I swear to god I'm emailing Rorie
This was really damn good. We need a subscriber content "giant bomb jam session"
if the next song is "tears in heaven" I swear to god I'm emailing Rorie
He shouldn't have mentioned that he ever visited Twitch.
HEY.... You better not talk against Clapton
I told him to at least see some good anime that can teach him something, or make him discover some human emotions. Totally refuses.
I was about to say that I remember seeing that comment in the twitch stream and laughing but then I remembered I watched Jeff Green play, not Patrick.Full disclosure:
During Patrick's P.T. live stream I typed 'put your dick in it', while drinking, when a mysterious hole appeared in a bathroom. I got like a 48 hour chat ban or something. It's a dumb, unoriginal comment but considering I've never posted anything bad before (or much at all) I thought that was a little excessive. Especially since a lot of other people started making the same/similar joke after I got banned.
nice puke-colored suit, knopfler
e: and substitutions for "f****t"
my reward for trying to make jokes in chat is usually being warned by the mods
everyone's a critic
No way this isn't incredible.Paul Rickert confirmed on Danswers.
where bard
oh geeez mp5 baby
Mid Carmageddon QL when the fire alarm went off.
That game's always been trouble.
What a weird way to announce that Brad is leaving.