i hate your avatar, what the fuck is that
A professional wrestler. Google 'Jun Kasai's back' sometime.
i hate your avatar, what the fuck is that
Yay! Alt+F1: 46 - Monaco GP 2015 is up!
While I'm posting random stuff, Jeff sure makes some interesting lists.
They've talked about the Guy Game, but I've never seen the box.
Inspired decision, to take the cover photo right after telling the host that one of the girls was underage.
This is a Dan Ryckert ass photo.
There are too many podcasts
Klepekcast is at least keeping the run-time down quite a bit, especially in comparison to something like The Bombcast
As big a game as it is, I'd love to see them do some kind of regular check in on their progress in The Witcher 3, where they can spoil stuff freely and talk in depth about it. Because methinks only one or none of them will actually finish the story to have a proper spoilercast.
Alex has been working on a Splatoon review and Vinny is helping the new hire.Not much from Beast this week. I wonder what they are up to.
I could listen to Jeff talk about E-40 all day.
Doesn't he talk about Hip Hop on his mixlr stream?It's such a shame that no one else listens to hip hop. A podcast would be so great.
Yes it is.Klepekcast is good stuff.
seems like i missed a hot periscope
this is me lighting the gb unarchived signal
I had a little poke around Periscope earlier and... It's complicated. There's no public way of viewing replays from a desktop, only mobile apps.Can one even view them on desktop?
It's such a shame that no one else listens to hip hop. A podcast would be so great.
No doubt there'll be a lot more Periscope's around E3, so would be great to have a reliable way to get them on GB Unarchived. Otherwise it means getting a screen recorder and going full bootleg.
Despite seeing the photo, this text still took me an unreasonable amount of time to decode in my brain.This is a Dan Ryckert ass photo.
Mailbag has officially developed into a junkbox. I meant, dude sent them some random, yellow-tainted Nintendo Power?
What's the performance like with Android emulators? If Periscope and a screen recorder works well virtualised, that might be a good way of capturing the replay. Real time capture isn't ideal, but a lot better if it can be done in the background via emu.Yeah, I've been looking for a way to download the periscope archives. It's possible to download them with videodownloadhelper (firefox) while they're live, but nothing after. I'm trying to run an android emulator and sniffing the url's but it looks like they're protected anyways.
With how popular periscope is becoming, I'm surprised someone smarter than I hasn't come up with a way.
What's the performance like with Android emulators? If Periscope and a screen recorder works well virtualised, that might be a good way of capturing the replay. Real time capture isn't ideal, but a lot better if it can be done in the background via emu.
At least you had a C64, some cool guy sunglasses and hat, and South Korean candy.
And Mario Party.
Mailbag has officially developed into a junkbox. I meant, dude sent them some random, yellow-tainted Nintendo Power?
What's the performance like with Android emulators? If Periscope and a screen recorder works well virtualised, that might be a good way of capturing the replay. Real time capture isn't ideal, but a lot better if it can be done in the background via emu.
would you check if Periscope works in that emulator (requires 4.4)?Native emulators (the sort you can setup using the SDK's device manager) suck unless you're using HAXM acceleration. What I do for my developing needs is use Genymotion, it works really well but it requires you to have VIrtualBox installed.
Native emulators (the sort you can setup using the SDK's device manager) suck unless you're using HAXM acceleration. What I do for my developing needs is use Genymotion, it works really well but it requires you to have VIrtualBox installed.
Damn. That dude in the comments might have just tried launching the app but not actually loading a video.Video performance is usually fine (using Bluestacks) on youtube at least. It doesn't seem to like Periscope videos though. Just keeps loading. [img ]http://i.imgur.com/QW2i0d3.png[/img]
It apparently works, though.
Just to see what Klepekcast would bring up if I searched for it, this was the top result:
No Old Games Show?
r.i.p. old games show
daddycabinet asked:Are you guys going to do any of the old games show before E3?
Well hopefully get one more in before E3. Im also trying to start a new thing that were hopefully going to shoot this week.
Bit costly. Guessing the free version is too kneecapped?