Oh I so very hope that we hear "Coming in 2017 to PS3, PS4, Xbox, Xbox 360..."
You can do this Bethesda. You can make the latest, jankiest game in console history. I have total faith in my complete lack of faith in you.
i don't like Bethesda games
Neither do I, since they're always janky and broken and they refuse to do anything about it because fans will fix it for them.
i don't like Bethesda games
You can do this Bethesda. You can make the latest, jankiest game in console history. I have total faith in my complete lack of faith in you.
Oh I so very hope that we hear "Coming in 2017 to PS3, PS4, Xbox, Xbox 360..."
You can do this Bethesda. You can make the latest, jankiest game in console history. I have total faith in my complete lack of faith in you.
Don't forget how lifeless everyone is when they talk to you.
Don't worry!!
You will have paid mods with no support that fix everything that isn't working!!
Then they break because your clean faces pack conflicts with your UI fix and My Little Pony conversion.
i don't like Bethesda games
There are few games that could be announced that would be more hamstrung by a cross-gen release than an openworld Bethesda game.
Ask me anything about World War 1.
Just watched a 90 second summary of World War 1 on youtube.
Ask me anything about World War 1.
Just watched a 90 second summary of World War 1 on youtube.
Ask me anything about World War 1.
I can't believe that a cross gen bethesda game might actually happen, I'm now really looking forward to fallout 4.
What was the lead single of Franz Ferdinand's classic self-titled debut?
What was the German Royal Navy's plans for the end of the war?
They actually had a line about the German navy fighting the British navy.
So was the plan to invade England?
was it Take Me Out or whatever the title was? I saw them live around that time, they were pretty fun. it was a tiny show
Trick question! The Germany navy's plan was to basically go on a naval death march and go out swinging, as they'd passed the point of no chance at victory, and a lot of fucking time was spent by the leadership throwing away lives in the hopes of laying in on the Triple Entente hard enough it'd get them a better position at the negotiating table when it was finally time to surrender.
What, don't you know?
Yes, it was take me out.
Sounds like a great fucking plan.
I was listening to a Jan 2012 Bombcast and they started talking about the various bugs they had come across in Skyrim and it reminded me of how terrible those console versions were, if they are going cross gen then I wish them luck.what a fucking trainwreck in the making.
guess which game i will NOT be preordering
the answer is all of them because lol
I was listening to a Jan 2012 Bombcast and they started talking about the various bugs they had come across in Skyrim and it reminded me of how terrible those console versions were, if they are going cross gen then I wish them luck.
In the end, they also sunk their own fleet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scuttling_of_the_German_fleet_in_Scapa_FlowSounds like a great fucking plan.
Is Final Fantasy Type 0 any good? It's coming to PC, and I haven't played a Final Fantasy game in a long time.
Yeah, I think they also kind of guessed it would be current gen. At least xcom looks great.Can't wait to hear how the GB crew reacts to every console being covered.
Is Final Fantasy Type 0 any good? It's coming to PC, and I haven't played a Final Fantasy game in a long time.
Now that I think about it, my history classes in Trinidad didn't cover either world war.
What, don't you know?
Yes, it was take me out.
God I got so sick of that song for the longest time.
A little morbid part of me wants to see a crossgen Fallout 4 that uses DirectX 9 and is a 32 bit executable on PC be announced at E3 2015.
A little morbid part of me wants to see a crossgen Fallout 4 that uses DirectX 9 and is a 32 bit executable on PC be announced at E3 2015.
dark souls 3 (lmao that's fake as fuck)
i don't like Bethesda games
oh god
xcom 2
fallout 4
dark souls 3 (lmao that's fake as fuck)
and now a new shadow warrior
this is a cool week