stump sock
Only if you're really really bored
or want to BE really bored
Only if you're really really bored
Only if you're really really bored
I bet brad gets it below 10% health and is then 1 shotted.
I like a challenge, but that just looks like complete BS.
Well done.
The next boss is also a pain but its so easy to exploit its comical.
Guys, I have great news. You know this cushy job I have where I watch Giant Bomb live streams and post in here all day?
I got a promotion.
Hahaha that was crazy.
Brad getting messed up on the ladder oh my.
Am I supposed to think Radovid is scary or am I supposed to think he's a m'lady gone wrong? Because all his cutscenes make me think the latter rather than the former.
People who say not to lock on in games with lockon are crazy people. Fuck those people.
I used lock on for 99% of bloodborne
The 1% is this boss.
People who say not to lock on in games with lockon are crazy people. Fuck those people.
Am I supposed to think Radovid is scary or am I supposed to think he's a m'lady gone wrong? Because all his cutscenes make me think the latter rather than the former.
edit :ODST looks ugly as fuck at 1080