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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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Yup, can't believe that they would release a game that allows people to fulfill their fantasy of committing wartime atrocities.

What's this from? Arma II quick look?

I very much disagree with that ;)

me too. i like long podcasts

Ditto. I have 40 hours of work that need to be filled with something to listen to and it sure as hell will not be the voices in my head.


I've missed the last month of content/podcasts and now too much has piled up for me to go through. What's the noteworthy stuff that I missed? The only thing that I watched a bit of was Breaking Bradborne and I found it really boring. Not nearly as exciting as Brad and Vinny doing Demon's Souls.


I've missed the last month of content/podcasts and now too much has piled up for me to go through. What's the noteworthy stuff that I missed? The only thing that I watched a bit of was Breaking Bradborne and I found it really boring. Not nearly as exciting as Brad and Vinny doing Demon's Souls.

Definitely check out the new Beastcast from episode 0. Bombcast has been solid. A Danswers with Paul. Couple entertaining mailbags. Skip all UPF's aside from the latest one (it's really good). That's pretty much it unless there's any QL's that take your fancy. The last month has been a bit light on must-watch content.
I've missed the last month of content/podcasts and now too much has piled up for me to go through. What's the noteworthy stuff that I missed? The only thing that I watched a bit of was Breaking Bradborne and I found it really boring. Not nearly as exciting as Brad and Vinny doing Demon's Souls.

Kerbal Space Program and Regency Solitaire Quick Looks. Demo Derby. This week's UPF. The Witcher 3 videos were both pretty good if you're interested in it.


VinnyVania: Simon's Quest episode 02 and 03 should be added to that list.

edit: As for other "must watch" stuff I'll say the GTA V modding segment of Unprofessional Fridays: 05/08/2015 and the whole of Unprofessional Fridays: 05/15/2015.


That Toren quick look made me miss Patrick.

He would have given that game more of a chance than Vinny and Alex.

Art style looks fantastic


Also Westerado QL, if that falls inside the missed content window. I really liked 60 seconds too.

I really hope Westerado goes on sale during the next Steam sale. That QL made it look really fun. 60 Seconds not so much... it strikes me as a game I'd rather see other funny people play, which is why it worked so well as a QL.


I love the Tested guys and I probably listened to every episodes of the podcast so far but they are getting so much stuff wrong every week, it's infuriating.


I love the Tested guys and I probably listened to every episodes of the podcast so far but they are getting so much stuff wrong every week, it's infuriating.
I finally gave up on Tested. The podcast is just dull as dishwater these days, the video content is nice and well produced but it's just not for me.
I might be crazy, but wasn't there another video that went up yesterday? I can't seem to find it now... I think it had "classic" or something in the video's title.


I might be crazy, but wasn't there another video that went up yesterday? I can't seem to find it now... I think it had "classic" or something in the video's title.

After the "It's a website" classic video another one appeared on the frontpage as "GB Classics: Video Thing: Red Alert 3: Uprising"
nothing new


That Toren quick look made me miss Patrick.

He would have given that game more of a chance than Vinny and Alex.

Art style looks fantastic

I dunno, from the sounds of it Vinny finished it and found it an interesting premise with a flawed execution.

Not sure what more of a chance he could have given it .


That Toren quick look made me miss Patrick.

He would have given that game more of a chance than Vinny and Alex.

Art style looks fantastic

A whole lot of style over substance. It seems like they gave it exactly as much of a chance as it deserved to me.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Toren looks like a game where the developers though "We can't have gameplay that's fun, it'll detract from the deep message we are conveying."


The Massic Chalice QL was a rare instance of a game I was interested in being un-sold by a Quick Look.
Alex is probably my favorite bomber, but he's amazingly bad at strategy games. He pretty much did everything wrong in that quicklook. That said, if you know what you're doing in Massive Chalice, the game is really easy even on the hardest difficulty. There are certain things like stealth that are too easy to exploit, and the enemy AI isn't the brightest.
I love the Tested guys and I probably listened to every episodes of the podcast so far but they are getting so much stuff wrong every week, it's infuriating.

That part where someone wrote into the cast looking for an inexpensive but good camera for a holiday, and Norm went ahead and recommended a $700 camera.was a bit shocking for me. What must his salary be if he thinks inexpensive and sub-$1000 matchup?


The Beastcast is a godsend. I think Vinny is the best podcast person in the world, and Alex and Austin are not too shabby either.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
A whole lot of style over substance.

An indie game with style over substance. I am shocked.

Tell me more. Perhaps there is some deep emotional story that resonates with one's childhood?

You know for all the complaints about AAA gaming being too cinematic, I sure do seeing a lot of 'narrative focused' indie games out there. Or at least enough that they're getting more attention than uglier games that might actually have some interesting gameplay mechanics.


Oh God, I just watched the Hatred quick look.

I'm not sure I've ever sighed any louder than I did when the guy said "birds of a feather DIE together".


An indie game with style over substance. I am shocked.

Tell me more. Perhaps there is some deep emotional story that resonates with one's childhood?

You know for all the complaints about AAA gaming being too cinematic, I sure do seeing a lot of 'narrative focused' indie games out there. Or at least enough that they're getting more attention than uglier games that might actually have some interesting gameplay mechanics.

Competent and non-discordant gameplay mechanics is harder than trying to be deep.


Unconfirmed Member
There are so many mechanics focused indie games out there, I don't even understand what you're talking about. Too much variety?
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