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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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Unconfirmed Member
This like like that time Jeff finally realized what Fenix Down was.




According to this story he tried to run but the cops and dogs chased him down

Agents chased down Ryan McDonald, a man described as being in his mid to late 30s, who was later led away in handcuffs.

"They chased him, it was a dog that kind of put him down and then they put him in handcuffs," one eyewitness told ABC News minutes after the incident.

In Vacaville, a woman who described herself as a McDonald's family member said he did not mean to do any harm.

"I can say honestly, he just made a mistake. He's not mentally unbalanced. He's as sane as anybody else. He just wanted to take some pictures of the White House. That's it," the woman told News10.
Can this not be a thing?

He admits to doing dumb shit constantly including not that long ago where he fell out of a truck while drunk. It's a thing.

He's got his perks and I love the nutter but he's got his moments too.

Also if anyone has a not-mixlr way to listen to the stream live, I'd love to hear it, I'm not having great luck with the stream.
so, living in the DC area, obviously it's a pretty big deal when a government building is shut down for national security reasons or whatever. definitely saw that all over the news, and with people at work talking, etc

good job, Ryan, you dummy


so, living in the DC area, obviously it's a pretty big deal when a government building is shut down for national security reasons or whatever. definitely saw that all over the news, and with people at work talking, etc

good job, Ryan, you dummy

Hope the legal consequences aren't too severe...

Have they said if they are all driving back together?

They aren't, and Jeff normally doesn't stream the drive home.


Finally catching yesterday's stream, glad Jeff stepped up and gave Meagaman Battle Network its props. Those games aren't perfect, but for what they are they were super cool. Wasn't surprised to see Dan on the hate train, but I was sad to see Jason hate on it. I thought those games would be right up his alley.
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