Goes with "What does honorific mean" earlier in the week. People say Dan is actually very smart. I can believe that. He is however, meant in the best way possible, uneducated as fuck. Maybe he should have actually attended college, rather than just haggling for grades.
well i must be as uneducated since i had no idea of what that word meant until today (hell i'm in a country that's going through it and i've never heard that word being uttered then *shrug*).
Also what the fuck does that word have to do with what he "studied", especially if its not his field?
It's really weird to me that asking questions about what you don't know gets someone so much ridicule. Especially things that have no bearing on him being able to accomplish his job or to entertain. Dan's thing is he has no filter or he asks things to get a reaction. A lot of people might not know things and keep to themselves, but Dan likes asking about it right then and there. He also very much plays in to the stereotype of himself when he's doing these types of shows.
I'm almost 30 with a college degree and while I think I know what austerity means in that context, it's not something I'd ever use or hear that often. I just wouldn't ask immediately after hearing it for a definition.
Same thing happened with the whole mortgage stuff which admittedly is a more popular word but his given his lifestyle i can see that not registering for him since a mortgage speaks to a specific line of thinking.
Its even funny since he knows other financial terms like a fucking investment and 401ks, etc but its more likely because it involves him in some way.
With all of this stuff it really looks like he usually gathers knowledge of things out of his bubble when there is some direct involvement and instead of hiding that lack of knowledge he will openly ask (either to get a reaction and/or an answer)