My big worry is that openness is a unfocused mess of check lists and fetch quests like Dragon Age Inquisition though. Still got to wait and see on that one.
I know i am a bit late on this, but Lorne Lanning is everything I want a game designer to be
Here's survey summaries. Don't see anything about more action than ME3. But the "explore unknown frontiers in the Andromeda Galaxy" which the E3 trailer implied is in there.
In my head, him and Jason Rubin and John Romero are the stereotype 90's game developer rockstars.
The kind of people who made a game that became huge and the first thing they do is buy a Ferrari and a house in the Beverly hills or some shit.
Brad Muir's Massice Chalice launched for free on the xbone and is currently 50% off on steam.
Brah, I hope the game is doing alright for you but this scenario isn't too different from the rapid price slashing costume quest 2 saw and that game seemed to have bombed hard. I still want to believe that Trenched 2 can happen.
I know i am a bit late on this, but Lorne Lanning is everything I want a game designer to be
at least lorne and jason have not made a banger like Daikatana yet
Would you consider the Xbox 360 BC on the Xbox One to fulfill Jeff's prediction that some hint of the Blades interface would return to the Xbox One OS? Xbox 360 still has that blades like in-game menu right?
I'm making a new indie game about anxiety called Way of the WorrierDaikatana aint no Way of the Worrier.
It had sounded like the emulator would be using the Xbone interface, rather than the 360.
I love that in the last e3 segment Dave can just say "da hoop god" randomly to Adam and Adam bursts out laughing. That segment was awesome.
In my head, him and Jason Rubin and John Romero are the stereotype 90's game developer rockstars.
The kind of people who made a game that became huge and the first thing they do is buy a Ferrari and a house in the Beverly hills or some shit.
Oh, I was under the impression that it was running the Xbox 360 OS in a virtual machine.
Oh, I was under the impression that it was running the Xbox 360 OS in a virtual machine.
I'm making a new indie game about anxiety called Way of the Worrier
@leolaporte 8:43 AM
Today on The NEW Screen Savers: @sarahlane co-hosts, visits from @TreyRatcliff & @CatherineHall and E3 news from @giantbomb
Is someone from GB gonna be on the show?
@leolaporte 8:43 AM
Today on The NEW Screen Savers: @sarahlane co-hosts, visits from @TreyRatcliff & @CatherineHall and E3 news from @giantbomb
Is someone from GB gonna be on the show?
There's a new screen savers??
Yea Twit is basically Zdtv/TechTv 2 with Leo and some of those guys (Revision 3 was the other though in a more subdued way)
man, i kind of want to believe they planned that before the show
otherwise lang took it super chill that his number was made public
vignocchi hits hard
It could be the thing of people that know they're being recorded behave/react differently than when they're not.
Should I just give up hope that I'll see the Day 3 audio as a podcast and watch the video?
Wish Jeff would stop going on that leo laporte shit
Is it wrong that I like Leport more than Miller?
No one is forcing you to watch it. I'm not going to.
Any mention of show floor videos by the crew?
Should I just give up hope that I'll see the Day 3 audio as a podcast and watch the video?