hot title change
Myggen, thank you for putting up that segment from the podcast. Shame it's not as concise as the 5 minute run from the GOTY discussion but it's still great to listen.
Listening to this again: I love Jason's patronizing comments concerning Destiny.
P.S - Thanks for picking up the torch on this, Myggen. Lots of community members have started this but abandon it over the years. Hopefully yours endures for a very long time.
I'm starting to wonder if Jason is actually any good at fighting games.
Jason Saltstriker
So it was worth a watch? I gave up after 10min cause I just don't like fighting games. Super boring.
Oh God, what if Dan is right and he is the best fighting game player in the Crew?
So it was worth a watch? I gave up after 10min cause I just don't like fighting games. Super boring.
I just finished MGS4 (I think!?). Holy crap. I'm tearing up.
The last boss battle was one of the most epic fights I have ever experienced, despite some of the archaic mechanics. Period. The music, the cutscenes, the animation, the callbacks. And then the surprise at the end. God I love this series.What on earth is this Johnny and Meryl story hahaha. How is it so prominent in this game?!
The last boss before the last one was also really fun and an amazing callback.I tried to switch controller ports and they called me out! I love Kojima.
Goodbye Solid Snake!
I just finished MGS4 (I think!?). Holy crap. I'm tearing up.
The last boss battle was one of the most epic fights I have ever experienced, despite some of the archaic mechanics. Period. The music, the cutscenes, the animation, the callbacks. And then the surprise at the end. God I love this series.What on earth is this Johnny and Meryl story hahaha. How is it so prominent in this game?!
The last boss before the last one was also really fun and an amazing callback.I tried to switch controller ports and they called me out! I love Kojima.
Goodbye Solid Snake!
holy fuck uncharted looks incredible
I was disappointed to learn that Sunset is not a Velvet Sundown sequel or remake.
In conclusion, fuck Doyle.
I love reading stuff like this. Glad you liked it. Regarding the spoiler:Do you get a Codec call or something for the controller switch during the final battle? Not sure if I knew about that!
EDIT: nvm,"last boss before the last one". Totally knew about that one.
holy fuck uncharted looks incredible
Dan lied!
Dan lied!
Yooo Jeff, some classics that you guys might need to check out:
- Ranma 1/2
- Criticom
- Biofreaks
- Blue Breaker Burst
- Salier Mooon Super S