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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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I heard rumblings of another map change but never bothered with the details since the current map is decent but missing crucial information (a critical path tip would be appreciated such as "defeat the current boss to get access to another planet", etc)

if this is their method then WTF.
The reason for the map change is that outside of the starter planets, most nodes are barely ever played. Most experienced players just grind void missions. So the idea is to focus players on a smaller set of nodes that will slowly change over time.

And while they are slowly building a "campaign" with the quest system, the core of Warframe has always been the player setting his own goals. "I want a Nova", "I want a Boltor Prime", etc. and then reading up on how to accomplish that. Going straight for the bosses isn't necessarily the best option, and due to the problems mentioned above, gets rather difficult once you get to the outer planets.

The old map was so fucking good. Then they made this version for the console launch.

Old overview (instead of being on the ship), and old map for those who don't know. Look at all that beautiful, clear path progression.

God I miss the old UI. I believe they're working on another revamp but honestly I'd be so happy if they just gave you the option to use one or the other.
The old one was in place on the PS4 for almost a year, and I always found it a pain to navigate. The new one could use improvement, but it's much easier to use.


They have to talk about the Kojima stuff during the event, right? Like, they couldn't not address that stuff?

They're probably not gonna address anything. Or if they are, it's some vague PR bullshit. Like Jeff said on the podcast, Konami doesn't give a fuck.

Myggen is the Cortana of Giant Bomb.

They have to talk about the Kojima stuff during the event, right? Like, they couldn't not address that stuff?

I think they didn't go because it doesn't fit their coverage of the site-He mentions that they wouldn't be allowed to record, which is usually how they cover something. And making an article about 'look how great it was' wouldn't jive.

lexhus 7m
That was a really dumb thing to do. dumbass coulda stabbed himself. Judging by how he looked away and closed his eyes he prolly had no idea how much pressure he was putting on that knife.

Yup that's our Dan

megssking 16h
Any chance you live in johannesburg south africa....if not you are a doppleganger of someone I know.:-o

foxtrot_0 1d
His face expressions need an award!

mrs_cartman 1d

blamethesharks 1d
What if someone was in there when he did that.

I'm having fun reading through comments.
i'm watching a windows xp error message beat up 3 godzillas so i'd say it's pretty good

sounds like it lol

The reason for the map change is that outside of the starter planets, most nodes are barely ever played. Most experienced players just grind void missions. So the idea is to focus players on a smaller set of nodes that will slowly change over time.

And while they are slowly building a "campaign" with the quest system, the core of Warframe has always been the player setting his own goals. "I want a Nova", "I want a Boltor Prime", etc. and then reading up on how to accomplish that. Going straight for the bosses isn't necessarily the best option, and due to the problems mentioned above, gets rather difficult once you get to the outer planets.

The old one was in place on the PS4 for almost a year, and I always found it a pain to navigate. The new one could use improvement, but it's much easier to use.

But barring the prime stuff (as that exists in its own plane and accessible once having keys) the bosses are the only way to get what you describe (i want a Nova, Loki etc) since they drop those blueprints and you get whatever needed resources on the planet itself for the weapons and whatnot.

Also i'm not saying always going directly to the boss but instead a small section that consists of other nodes that you can run to get exp and resources before deciding to tackling the boss (then maybe unlock the rest of the modes if you feel like it).

Just not a fan of the sound of needing credits when unlock mechanisms exists already. Hell they already aren't fans of the Void anymore due to what you have described (high level players practically live there now to the detriment of almost everything else) and that might be gone eventually so i'm not sure what is DE game plan is :/
Decided to watch the old episodes of Vinnyvania. Nearly burst out laughing at the end of CV1 Part 1 when
the game froze up, just as Vinny was having a pretty good run near the end of Level 5, forcing him to restart the entire game. Getting into Part 2 now, and Jeff's been a great addition so far, showing Vinny the hidden items he missed during his first play-through.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Good times.
Where is 50 Cent anyway? Last time I heard of him he was playing in a shopping mall in a small communal (~7000 inhabitants) in Austria. Still mad I missed him. And I don't even like Rap music
Does liking Fury Road make you an anime fan or are anime fans required to like Fury Road? I've heard more than one person basically say it's a live action anime but, brahs, most post apocalyptic crazy anime is based off of road warrior.

Also, here are some hot anime recommendations for people who enjoyed mad max:

Violence Jack
Fist of the North Star Musou games.


Does liking Fury Road make you an anime fan or are anime fans required to like Fury Road? I've heard more than one person basically say it's a live action anime but, brahs, most post apocalyptic crazy anime is based off of road warrior.

Also, here are some hot anime recommendations for people who enjoyed mad max:

Violence Jack
Fist of the North Star Musou games.

They're just trying to cling onto something good.


Man, I'm glad I watched that Rebel Galaxy Unfinished on friday. Ended up e-mailing the devs asking for a key and they gave me one, mighty cool of them. The game is tons of fun and surprisingly complete, I played for 8 hours throughout the preview period and didn't even reach the end of the build - day 1 purchase for me for sure.


Does liking Fury Road make you an anime fan or are anime fans required to like Fury Road? I've heard more than one person basically say it's a live action anime but, brahs, most post apocalyptic crazy anime is based off of road warrior.
Films can be good films and not have to stand on the merits of other mediums (and vice versa).

At any rate I've seen some comparisons of the stunts to the physical spectacle of a Buster Keaton film - if it starred banged up trucks driving through an apocalyptic wasteland.
Anime fans are like chain emails. Once you become one, you must convince five others that they, too, are unconsciously anime fans. Or else senpai will never notice you.
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