brad out
tricky in
tricky in
I want to make a anti-vaccine spoof commercial but instead of anti-vaccine it's anti ball-cam people.
Jason is in the back doing the dan laugh while fucking with him.
Payback from that Power Stone game.
Brad is frustrated
Yeah there were a couple I were exoecting to come up as a goal.Dan not making these shots is a testament to East's defense.
Dan is missing a lot of chances to hit the ball using non-ball cam.
Dan not making these shots is a testament to East's defense.
He has it backwards. Ball cam by default, non-ball cam when you need to line up a shot or dribble. by not having ball cam by default, he loses out on reaction time. I'm noticing it while he plays, he waits a second or two to switch to ball cam when he can't find it, so it kind of makes him react slowly.
It's coming in the next few weeks actually.Rocket League really should add a spectator mode so that we could watch separately. It would add a ton.