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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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My research team developed teleportation before they figured out how to develop non-slutty clothes for her, but I now feel way less creepy taking her along
There are lots of bad things about this game as a MGS.

Yeah, I was really surprised to see Brad write about the story improvements in his review after I finished the game. He was speaking as though the game did away with bullshit explanations for things and made things and was more down to earth, but I felt like the whole thing ended up being nothing but bullshit explanations for things.
I was having trouble hitting her with my sniper rifle so I looked at a guide and
you can beat her easily just by dropping two supply drops on her head.
It's my only S rank so far.

the secret to S ranking missions is to just not give a shit and be sloppy. Most of my S-ranks are missions where I thought I did awful.
Yeah, I was really surprised to hear Brad talk about the story after I finished the game. He was speaking as though the game did away with bullshit explanations for things and made things and was more down to earth, but I felt like the whole thing ended up being nothing but bullshit explanations for things with a fair amount of it tying in to existing (shoehorned) characters and events in the series.

he either didn't listen to a lot of endgame tapes or chose to exclude them then because hoooly shit the pretzel logic and retconning that goes on within those is mindwarping


he either didn't listen to a lot of endgame tapes or chose to exclude them then because hoooly shit the pretzel logic and retconning that goes on within those is mindwarping

Yeah, I think Brad definitely skipped some important side ops and tapes as he specifically mentioned at least one thing that he thought lacked an explanation when it was pretty thoroughly covered in the tapes.

Relatively late game spoiler about what I'm talking about here:
He was wondering who the Man on Fire was, when there's like 3 tapes saying, "He's Volgin. The Man on Fire is Volgin. Volgin was really angry and is now on fire."

Or maybe, per Basileus777, he hadn't gotten there yet. I got the impression he was past this point though.
I hope today's podcast is essentially an MGSV spoilercast. They should have all finished the game by this point considering where they were last time right?

Unless Drew is on, then they can't talk about it at all.


Drunky McMurder
The 100 Mario Challenge levels are god awful 75% of the time. Kind of ruined my enjoyment of the game. That, combined with the fact that I spend a ton of time on levels that no one plays.

I was going to disagree with you, saying that I find at least 4 or 5 worthwhile levels in the 100 Mario Challenge when I play it.

Then I realized that was just agreeing with you. I guess we have different standards for user created content. 1 in 4 being fun when you're getting random levels is pretty great as far as I'm concerned.
I just remember what a turd sandwich a majority of LBP levels were that whenever i encounter a good stage in any game that allows for player created stages I just end up really appreciating the non-crappiness of it so much that i quickly forget that it took me like 5-8 tries to find a good one

Maybe some folks didn't go through that with LBP so you dont have a tolerance for how terribad player created stages in games can be


I really hope they keep this up as a series and keep adding to it, will likely pick this up. Just got ideas I want to try for myself but would love just like the grand daddy of Mario maker tools, including options for tiered mushrooms and slopes, checkpoints and huge bullet bills.
Also definitely think star rating are not enough to describe stages, people like different things.
Still, I want, will get.

I'm glad they lot you follow creators. I used to rely on that a lot after a while with LBP on vita.


Yeah, I was really surprised to see Brad write about the story improvements in his review after I finished the game. He was speaking as though the game did away with bullshit explanations for things and made things and was more down to earth, but I felt like the whole thing ended up being nothing but bullshit explanations for things.

Huh, I read the review, I must have missed that. I only read him equivocating with unusual story structure, as if one couldn't conclusively call it good or bad.
They are keeping us waiting for Metal Gear Scanlon V, huh?
They are keeping us waiting for Metal Gear Scanlon V, huh?

honestly, they're doing people a favor. With zero hyperbole, i can put my half a game's worth of time with MGSV already into one of my top 10 games ever. The latter half of MGSV could just be Kojima's gaping asshole farting onto the screen at 480i and 10 fps and I would still declare it the best game I've played in years. I can't remember having this much trouble putting a controller down since RDR.

So hopefully those that haven't played it and are patiently waiting for the series to start pick up a copy sometime. It's such a fucking treat to play this yourself and unlike some of the older games it is completely competent gameplay wise when compared to its modern peers.


Episode 10.
not sure when it started, but qlcrew has a best videos feature now: http://qlcrew.com/?best

seem like good selections to me
Absolutely. I hadn't watched the Contradiction videos, nice.
that moment when you realize that the thing separating you from silenced tranq sniper rifles was a stupid blueprint for the Stun Arm that you never fucking use ever.
Oh what the hell. I've had that side ops sitting there for like 6 hours because I didn't need it, while focused on getting silenced tranq snipers...
I accidentally stumbled into the Quiet mission. I'm so lucky I had my sniper with me for a side op, can't imagine doing that trying to crawl around to the effective range of your regular weapons.
Haha after I was hit once with her I hid in cover
and decided to bombard her ass. It worked great.
such a lust for content


My job here is done.

honestly, they're doing people a favor. With zero hyperbole, i can put my half a game's worth of time with MGSV already into one of my top 10 games ever. The latter half of MGSV could just be Kojima's gaping asshole farting onto the screen at 480i and 10 fps and I would still declare it the best game I've played in years. I can't remember having this much trouble putting a controller down since RDR.

So hopefully those that haven't played it and are patiently waiting for the series to start pick up a copy sometime. It's such a fucking treat to play this yourself and unlike some of the older games it is completely competent gameplay wise when compared to its modern peers.
I'm almost done with the game completely (Episode
), so now I really really want them to start soon :)


You guys want MGScanlonV? No! You'll get Destiny and you'll like it.

Jeff Gerstmann ‏@jeffgerstmann 2m2 minutes ago
Me and @bradshoemaker are going to stream out some of this Destiny expansion at 1:30 today. That’s in a little under three hours.
Huh, I read the review, I must have missed that. I only read him equivocating with unusual story structure, as if one couldn't conclusively call it good or bad.

Him talking about the games story showing "restraint" in his review is what I was referring to; he just went deeper into this on the podcast.


bish gets all the credit :)
I'd really like to see if the people in love with MGS5 are Metal Gear fans. The game plays excellently, but everything else drags it down. It's still really good. Definitely vying for near the top of my GOTY list.
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