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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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I don't actually remember them discussing Star Citizen recently, outside of the ship purchasing stuff which was kind of weird for anyone looking in from the outside? Wasn't Drew keeping tabs on it?

They've unfortunately fallen victim to the myth that Star Citizen is a "train wreck" or that it is mired in controversy and development hell. Anybody who has been following the game knows it is on track and what is playable is pretty fucking awesome.

They haven't talked about it super recently, though, just the mention of the Derek Smart nonsense they didn't fully understand a while ago.


It's about as fun as a date with a regular person.



Drunky McMurder
He said that last year too, I still believe! GBEast, Brad solo and then GBWest. F
Let's do this!

I'd much rather Brad go with the rest of the group out west if they do an east stream too. Brad's half hour "eeeeh maaaaaybeeee I should plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay..." indecision time between every game was too much.
Which I never have either, but knowing that someone like Dan who I feel I share many traits with can get away with that makes me hate my life even more. I can't even get a regular person.

You could always watch polar bear cafe

Like a regular person

Edit: just noticed that the bombcast thread stole my idea about regular people. What a bunch of fakers


I know someone better than me can probably find it, but one of the funniest things from last years Brad stream was when he was trying to be quiet in the middle of the night and the Nuclear Throne music kicked in super loud and scared the shit out of him and everyone watching.
i don't know what world you live in in which okcupid has normal people on it

although to be fair it seems like a good place to meet people with very specific fetishes
I tried, believe me I've tried. Gets disheartening after a while.
Put those bootstraps on and hit the gym :p You can be awkward as a lame duck if you're rocking a great body.

And Okcupid has pretty normal people from my experience which can mean there are many weird, terrible people on it. It's no Plenty of Fish though.


Really surprised at how enjoyable System Shock 1 is. Mouselook really makes the game a lot more playable, and you can really feel the roots of SS2 and Bioshock at work. I'd to see a GBE Playdate or Random PC Game type video for it. Feels like an Austin sorta game.
How many questions about sex did you go through before you realized how much of a mistake you made?

it's an oooold account that has a fake pic and garbage text, but i've answered a shit ton of quizzes over the years

site is a nightmare factory

also i'm still trying to figure out how i or my jpop gif archive is xenophobic
Other than 30 Rock, the only thing I've seen what's her face in was Hick, and I'm sure you could glean some fucked gifs from that.

Yeeeah I have one gif from Hick that I use, and another I'm not actually comfortable using. Not a very fun movie, as you know.

[EDIT] Actually there's a couple that I've used, now that I think about it.
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