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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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I don't know, I am definitely worried about the scope of the game. Except for the look and combat it seems quite limited.
That's expected and I'm fine with that. They're doing a good job with the G1 stuff and it looks like it will play well enough to hold my interest.


I don't know, I am definitely worried about the scope of the game. Except for the look and combat it seems quite limited.

I hope it's not just small arenas. they haven't shown off any actual levels except for the combat.

i'll get it on sale if it's just that.


What's with the pitchforks? I think he's just surprised that someone who plays a character in the game would be proficient at the game itself. I mean, how good do you think Kevin Spacey is at Call of Duty?

Some people saw the word "woman" and automatically inferred that was the reason for the poster's surprise at the high level of play. Which says a lot about them.

It's surprising in the same way it would be if Nolan North was running twitch streams of him beating all the Uncharted remasters on Crushing.


the holder of the trombone
Dan, king of bad advice.

His advice to slam people do lead to some pretty funny results though. Like drew throwing that one guy to knock out the guy waking up early because he was only slammed.

In the end you need to question whether you're in MGScanlon to watch a perfect playthrough or to watch drew flail through the series in incredibly humorous ways.
If there's one thing i would push dan to get drew to do is to aim down the sights. it's going to make his life easier when he has to reflex someone in the face in the near future
I'm betting the reason Dan thinks slamming is so great is because he's reached the stage of the game where you can get away with fultoning everyone immediately and there's absolutely no reason to worry about how long guards stay knocked out.

Also, Drew is using the iron sights with the AR, just not with the pistol. He's still getting headshots, so whatever.


Ok so I'm done with MGSV - I have sleepy dogs, dragon age and far cry 4 ready to go on my ps4 - what should I play first?



Ok so I'm done with MGSV - I have sleepy dogs, dragon age and far cry 4 ready to go on my ps4 - what should I play first?

Depends on your tastes.

I suspect most people would advise Sleeping Dogs, with Far Cry 4 as the second most common recommendation.

I may not necessarily agree with those people, but then again I'd also begin to worry about getting fatigued on open-world games.


the holder of the trombone
If you don't want to get fatigued on open worlds than sleepy dawgs is the best choice, because like every GTA-style game, the city is basically worthless to explore.


iron sights is probably the dumbest thing in gaming right now

it takes up so much of your screen and makes aiming 100% harder.


surely sleepy dawgs can't be the only open world get-in-a-melee-fight style game right? What's yakuza do? (I guess batmans counts technically)


so is inquisition the most critically-acclaimed game of 2014 that nobody really gives a shit about

I believe the issue is that there aren't a ton of people who LOVE the game to death, and a rather large number of people who practically believe it ran over their puppy who are ready to explain why in great detail, and thus feel aggrieved that it won so many awards.

There was also a meta-narrative of Witcher 3 vs. Dragon Age that developed which seemed to imply that only one of them could be good, and a large vocal contingent of GAF is in the Witcher camp. Then again, based on threads on GAF it looks like the Witcher backlash has started to hit, as in the past few days I've seen threads where people talk about how the combat in that game was total shit, and then another one today calling the crafting system the worst in gaming.

It must be also be realized that 2014 was an extremely weak year for gaming, so I doubt very many games from that year will be fondly remembered.
surely sleepy dawgs can't be the only open world get-in-a-melee-fight style game right? What's yakuza do? (I guess batmans counts technically)

Yakuza is open world-get-in-an-instanced-melee-fight game, but the transitions are getting less and less obvious


surely sleepy dawgs can't be the only open world get-in-a-melee-fight style game right? What's yakuza do? (I guess batmans counts technically)


I have a feeling you meant to qualify that a bit better, but may I draw your attention to a series named Assassin's Creed?



I have a feeling you meant to qualify that a bit better, but may I draw your attention to a series named Assassin's Creed?

assassin's what

i actually forgot that existed. i haven't touched one since revelations.

never enjoyed combat in that game anyway.

brotherhood multiplayer was the shit though.


so is inquisition the most critically-acclaimed game of 2014 that nobody really gives a shit about


I enjoyed my time with it but when you put "inquisition" I had to go think, what's that?

And then my brain said Dragon Age: Inquisition. And then my brain said oh you should check that out. And then my brain said you already did and 100%'d it less than 12 months ago.

So, yeah.

Shadow of Mordor too.

Shadow of Mordor should at least get some sort of footnote as the progenitor of some cool system a ton of games use, or a cool system that no game ever uses and we wonder why three years from now.


2 wasn't quite open world enough for my tastes. still haven't played 3, waiting on a sale.

i really liked 2, if we're being honest.

I am currently playing Dead Rising 3, actually. I've had it since I got my XBox One shortly at launch, but I hadn't gotten around to playing it.

It's definitely open world. There's basically one long original load, and then it's more or less seamless barring sub 5-second loads when you start most main story missions. The amount of zombies is kind of nuts. I haven't been going crazy trying to rack up kills and I'm close to the end and I think I'm at about 21,000 killed.

Fewer psychopaths, which is nice given those were always the goddamn worst.

Also, being able to craft weapons wherever you are, as well as having the ability to use skill points to shift from using specific items to category of items for combo weapons (barring super combos) is a godsend.
2 wasn't quite open world enough for my tastes. still haven't played 3, waiting on a sale.

i really liked 2, if we're being honest.

my advice for a person who loved Dead Rising 2 but wished it was more of an open world would have to be "jesus christ what are you doing play dead rising 3 as soon as you can"

seriously, it's exactly what you want
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