Listening to it again because I'm bored, Jason says of the game that "I think it's super interesting. I think many of the points that it touched on is just a brief glimpse, I don't think a lot of loops got closed, but it's open to interpretation... I guess know going in that it's an hour and a half, it's very linear. But there's some very thought-provoking things that happen. I'm glad I played it, but it didn't resonate with me as much as I thought it was going to... And I'd heard that it maybe dealt with social anxiety and depression, and I was a little anxious of playing the game because I suffer from the same things, but it's really not. It wasn't trying to help you understand those kind of afflictions, it was kind of a side note."
When I first heard it I thought it was a pretty good discussion of the game from two people who weren't that big fans after having played it like me and a lot of other people. I agree that the diary thing wasn't the most fleshed out thought Jason's had, but he seemed to realize that as he was saying it and seemed to concede that it was probably him that wasn't really used to games that are this non-interactive.