The only thing I miss since I don't watch livestreams is the masterful poll trolling.
The play button isn't showing up on videos on the site. Anybody have this issue before?
The play button isn't showing up on videos on the site. Anybody have this issue before?
Disable Ublock
Whitelist the site on adblock if you're using that. There's a bug they're trying to fix with their player that makes it not work with adblock turned on now.
I wonder how widespread that ad blocker issue is because I used AdBlock during the stream with no issue.
EDIT: Also possible that I've whitelisted them long before I was premium and don't remember.
Hey, thanks for the report.
Ya, it has been a hectic week or so with all the big adblock changes. Tons of people are switching/changing adblockers, filter lists are getting updated and we are finding issues with some of them.
Looking at making this better. For the sake of debugging - which adblock/extensions are you running? Thanks.
Why is this star wars video thing an Unfinished? It's going to bother me. >.<
Tell me there's a gif of Dan pointing at his face and nodding and his Patrick shirt and frowning.
I'd make it but I don't know how to make gifs.
Tons of people are switching/changing adblockers
Tell me there's a gif of Dan pointing at his face and nodding and his Patrick shirt and frowning.
I'd make it but I don't know how to make gifs.
What this is a sly way for them to see who is using adblock so they can ban them???follow the money
It's the beta right?
wait, what's the deal with adblock
why are people switching
should I be worried
I've never used an adblocker in my entire life, and it's too late to start now. I've got all the viruses and everyone knows everything about me.
I've never used an adblocker in my entire life, and it's too late to start now. I've got all the viruses and everyone knows everything about me.
I stopped using Adblock Plus when they started acceptable ads, now I've done the same when Adblock sold to a mystery buyer who wants to remain a mystery but also wanted to join acceptable ads.
This seems insane to me.
You run a Tumblr and don't know how to make gifs? What are you even doing!
Just from a usability standpoint it sounds insane.
Meh, I've never had a problem with it. My issue with ads is the security part of it, but I've never had much of an issue with usability.
I've never used an adblocker in my entire life, and it's too late to start now. I've got all the viruses and everyone knows everything about me.