the holder of the trombone
i've said it before and i'll say it again: democracy simply doesn't work
Democracy got us through giovanni's spin maze though.
i've said it before and i'll say it again: democracy simply doesn't work
Democracy got us through giovanni's spin maze though.
"Man, I love spin mazes"
"Man, I love spin mazes"
intelectually, I know you're right of course - it's just that I feel like I want to be "with it", as the kids say, when the GOTY deliberations roll into townIf you're not a journo who has to finish all these games before the end of the year I wouldn't worry about it.
I'm not 100% on my wrestling terminology, but Dan dumping Witcher 3 in favour of Destiny is the ultimate heel turn, isn't it?
The pocket guy sent his email to both podcasts?
Inquiring minds need to know, that or somebody is doing some serious research into pockets.The pocket guy sent his email to both podcasts?
The pocket guy sent his email to both podcasts?
Inquiring minds need to know, that or somebody is doing some serious research into pockets.
I'm sorry, that was me. For the past few months I've been emailing into both podcasts and not getting my questions read. So lately I've just started sending the same question to both to try and increase my chances. Never expected it to get read on both.
Life Is Strange spoilers below.
I'm really happy Vinny is doing all the right things toto save Kate. I was afraid he wouldn't read about the family dynamics when in Kate's room, or that Alex might hurry him out of getting the phone call in the diner or something.
Really enjoying watching them play this game. I absolutely can't wait until they start getting to the end of Episode 3 and beyond.
Life Is Strange spoilers below.
I'm really happy Vinny is doing all the right things toto save Kate. I was afraid he wouldn't read about the family dynamics when in Kate's room, or that Alex might hurry him out of getting the phone call in the diner or something.
Really enjoying watching them play this game. I absolutely can't wait until they start getting to the end of Episode 3 and beyond.
Also Dan was thinking of Phantasm on the Bombcast. That movie sucks, but there is some real funny dumb stuff in the series.
Phantasm 1 doesn't suck at all. the sequels are harder to defend but man I love those goofy-ass movies
Dude even Phantasm 1 is really bad. The movie was cut by someone who doesn't know how it works. It's one of the worst editing jobs I have ever seen. No pacing at all. Then there is also bullshit like that singing scene which is there for no reason at all. So no, even the first one can only be appreciated for how bad and weird it is.
I got really confused for a moment there before I remembered that Tri Force heroes is a thingoh boy zelda reviews
oh boy zelda reviews
I'm not 100% on my wrestling terminology, but Dan dumping Witcher 3 in favour of Destiny is the ultimate heel turn, isn't it?
"Why cant the game I like be liked by everyone?!"If Witcher 3 loses all of them in the process of playing it, it really can't be their GotY or anywhere near it. Not really sure what some people expect to happen.
Witcher 3 was fun, but then it isn't.
If Witcher 3 loses all of them in the process of playing it, it really can't be their GotY or anywhere near it. Not really sure what some people expect to happen.
I mean you're probably right, honestly. But I think it's legitimately good.
And yet people still get surprised when the inevitable happens. GotY comes around and it's like "No, it'll be better this time, he's changed".Giant Bomb has never been a place with a lot of love for long, challenging RPGs that ask a lot of the player, except for guys like Rorie or Dave. Witcher 3 was never really gonna be a huge favorite the way something instantly-gratifying and accommodating like MGSV or a Bethesda RPG is.
If Witcher 3 loses all of them in the process of playing it, it really can't be their GotY or anywhere near it. Not really sure what some people expect to happen.
Do people actually care?
Zelda is probably my favourite series ever, and I couldn't care less about Triforce Heroes
Giant Bomb has never been a place with a lot of love for long, challenging RPGs that ask a lot of the player, except for guys like Rorie or Dave. Witcher 3 was never really gonna be a huge favorite the way something instantly-gratifying and accommodating like MGSV or a Bethesda RPG is.
Pretty sure that was Jeff and the others mostly finished it. Not the case with Witcher 3 at all.Eh, it pretty much happens every year. Jeff and Brad got so much shit for not finishing TLOU leading up to GOTY back in 2013. I remember Brad saying that all the people demanding he play it was making him not want to play it
oh boy zelda reviews
Pretty sure that was Jeff and the others mostly finished it. Not the case with Witcher 3 at all.
Witcher 3 really isn't challening, nor does it ask a lot of the player, on the normal difficulty. You're already making it sound like them not liking it is a personal failing because they don't like deep games or something. There's definitely a judgemental tone to this statement. I'd say MGSV demands more of the player because the metagame layer requires a lot more attention. On normal you can Quen+faceroll through almost all of Witcher 3 and be fine. The game just isn't super interesting to play, despite having great story and setting.
Don't get why people get mad at Brad and Jeff. By far
the most experienced and best at putting their arguments forward in a clear and persuasive way. Always enjoy the way they articulate their views.
That entire time was just weird. They may have played it, but I don't think they talked about it a lot because at that time the last thing they wanted to talk about was a grim and depressing game.
Because people care too much about having their opinion validated.Don't get why people get mad at Brad and Jeff. By far
the most experienced and best at putting their arguments forward in a clear and persuasive way. Always enjoy the way they articulate their views.
To be fair, they both have very clear biases as well. Brad will always look favorably on Destiny and Jeff has a tendency to trumpet his unpopular opinions to the point that thinking something is overrated means that it's total garbage (which I also have a tendency to do).
Pretty sure that was Jeff and the others mostly finished it. Not the case with Witcher 3 at all.
Not even Vinny is into it!
A couple months before GOTY that was not the case. Jeff and Brad had actually bashed the game on one of the podcast which set people off. Brad went on to finish it up and loved it, but Jeff stood his ground.
Shaping up to be the lowest-rated Zelda game ever. What a shame. I hope the main 2D Zelda team is hard at work on a followup to A Link Between Worlds.
2D Zelda is done, thank god. Hopefully Mario follows suit.
Anyway, shocked that the game is reviewing so low. The press usually inexplicably inflates the review scores of multiplayer-focused games.
Jeff loved the story but didn't care for the combat if i remember correctly. A lot of people felt the same way.
I dont know about "loved" but yeah, that was the gist of it.
Don't get why people get mad at Brad and Jeff. By far
the most experienced and best at putting their arguments forward in a clear and persuasive way. Always enjoy the way they articulate their views.