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Giant Bomb #17 | Baby Dan Wyckert

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2D Zelda is done, thank god. Hopefully Mario follows suit.

Anyway, shocked that the game is reviewing so low. The press usually inexplicably inflates the review scores of multiplayer-focused games.



encroaching on sleeping's turf huh
More people using Chloe gifs just means it's working!


So many awesome games this year... the addition of Austin... this year's GOTY podcasts (and videos) are gonna' be GREAT.
Let's not kid ourselves, Austin is going to be a pushover in the discussion for anything to get in GOTY. The big thugs of west ain't gonna allow nothing.
Except when he has back up from Papa Vinny and Alex for Until Dawn and Life is Strange.


Watching that LA Podfest podcast and Dan said The Witcher 3 would definitely be in his top 5. I don't get how a game he can't even bother finishing could be in his top 5.


Jeff and Brad are the big bads of GOTY list that will always decide everything. Vinny and Drew barely play games these days. Jason, Dan and Austin will all be lower tier newbies just happy to be there. Who is Alex?


Watching that LA Podfest podcast and Dan said The Witcher 3 would definitely be in his top 5. I don't get how a game he can't even bother finishing could be in his top 5.
Biggest problem is trying to pick up a game like that in short bursts and expecting things to be the same.


Let's not kid ourselves, Austin is going to be a pushover in the discussion for anything to get in GOTY. The big thugs of west ain't gonna allow nothing.
Except when he has back up from Papa Vinny and Alex for Until Dawn and Life is Strange.

Austin studied hard at school for this moment.
He has learned the power of persuasion.
"Academically" is his "Would You Kindly".
Undertale will be #1 on Giant Bomb's GOTY list.


Drunky McMurder
Austin studied hard at school for this moment.
He has learned the power of persuasion.
"Academically" is his "Would You Kindly".
Undertale will be #1 on Giant Bomb's GOTY list.

That will be his downfall. Logic and reasoned arguments have no place in the game of the year discussions.


Eh Jeff can pass most of the time (the main issue is that Jeff will champion or Dock a game the other might not have played or completed so it he gets an edge there) but Brad will have his moments of being utterly terrible (mainly in "fillbuster" mode). Hell his Destiny defense last year wasn't good but luckily for him The Wolfenstein guys didn't put up much of a fight.

To be fair the others put up an offense against Destiny like never before for a number 10 game. People are usually able to get their "pet" game on bottom half without too much resistance.


This is the most accurate.

If it was the case, the Witcher 3 would win by a landslide as it is objectively the best game.

It play so poorly though. Awful combat, movement, even the menus are shit (and you use them quite a lot). Great story quests here and there, sure, but The Witcher 3 is not the best anything.
Patrick playing Hypercube on MMM is pretty good, but all the theories I had are out.

Has he gone in the middle top pipe above the circle of ghosts?

Watching all this Mario Maker is the best thing I've seen a wiiu do.


Fucking loudmouth blowhard who feels compelled to chime in on every conversation even if he has nothing to say...loudly... in an annoyingly snasal voice.

Why? It's ok for him to not like it.

i'm obviously kidding

although the Pro Controller is by far the best controller i've ever used, and I hate my WiiU with a passion it's the only thing I like about it
The NeoGaf minor faction has been added to Elite Dangerous and is located at the Apam Napat System. I will be the GBGaf Representative. I will make sure our Giant Bomb related interests are heard!


Well he still enjoyed playing it for 50+ hours.
But not enough to finish. I can understand putting a game in your top 5 that you haven't finished because of time constraints, but that's obviously not an issue for him. He's like 60% of the way through the game and is tired of it. That doesn't exactly scream "one of my favorite games of the year" to me.
I was the only candidate! I ran unopposed! Blame the voter apathy! I'm probably just going to accept bribes from special interest groups but you are all free to email my office with any concerns.

Thank you,

Rep. Cmdr. Felix Lighter


Drunky McMurder
Just Cause 2 was one of my favorites the year it came out and I still play it occasionally. I've never even come close to finishing it and would suggest people who do might be crazy people.

In Dan's case, it might be that he enjoyed what he played a lot but the game thought it should be a lot longer than he thought it should be. If he's able to cut ties with it and not feel like he missed out by not finishing the parts he found boring, maybe he still came away with a positive impression. It could also be coming from Game Informer, they may have had a more "Objective review" policy and he can see that it's an incredibly well made game that just doesn't interest him.
Just Cause 2 was one of my favorites the year it came out and I still play it occasionally. I've never even come close to finishing it and would suggest people who do might be crazy people.

In Dan's case, it might be that he enjoyed what he played a lot but the game thought it should be a lot longer than he thought it should be. If he's able to cut ties with it and not feel like he missed out by not finishing the parts he found boring, maybe he still came away with a positive impression. It could also be coming from Game Informer, they may have had a more "Objective review" policy and he can see that it's an incredibly well made game that just doesn't interest him.

This was me when the game came out that year, Just doing stupid shit and enjoying it without beating the game.


Drunky McMurder
He's clearly just looking out for the duders. He knows in 750 years when he's finally tired of being an earthly incarnation of a mischief god, Dan Ryckert on his death bed will look back and say "Dandelion!" thinking of his only regret in life aside from the glasses thing.

Here is where his argument falls apart. If the game is so good then it should have hooked the dudes even if they took a break from it. If they lost interest in it then that's that, fuck that unfair and you MUST beat the game noise. They'll play and finish whatever they feel is worth their time and that's that.

For example I acknowledge that RPG's are for the most part great but I would rarely play one because they are a huge time sink. Last RPG heavy game I played was ME1 lol, most games these days have lite RPG mechanic implementations but they aren't the main focus or draw of the game which is pretty nice.
The Witcher 3 is probably my GOTY but people should really get over it. It's not a big deal that they'll rank crap like MGSV highly. The only important thing about their GOTY content is their sketches anyway.



Now i'm really curious to see what will happen if it truly doesn't make the list

It will be a lot of elitism about "of course they wouldn't like a game like this" *tips fedora* and "the Bombcast has gone to shit", like there always is when they don't rate a much-loved game. Some legitimate arguments about why people think it's a good game, but a lot of that other stuff too.


Life Is Strange spoilers below.

I'm really happy Vinny is doing all the right things to
to save Kate. I was afraid he wouldn't read about the family dynamics when in Kate's room, or that Alex might hurry him out of getting the phone call in the diner or something.

Really enjoying watching them play this game. I absolutely can't wait until they start getting to the end of Episode 3 and beyond.
Oh, so it got picked again for the second round? Good deal. It's a very cool LP game. If they get to the end of episode three, ohhhhh boy, it'll be cool to watch.

Getting down with the finale myself and shit is going crazy.
Mr or Ms Madcat Six Thousand Three Hundred and Four needn't worry; The Witcher 3 will make the top ten list. Maybe even top five?

But it was only GOTY material prior to the release of Super Mario Maker. Sorry Madcat!


A preview to Witcher 3 fans' reaction to the GOTY discussion can be found in the Bombcast comment section.
The guilt trip method in full effect.

I honestly don't care about winners or losers or validation, but I do care about getting robust, knowledgeable discussion from the group during their end of the year podcasts. I don't want to hear early game hangups or preconceived notions in an annual retrospective, I want a deep dive into the pros and cons of a game in its entirety. When everyone's informed it brings out the best from the folks in the room, everyone raises their debate game and the quality of the discussion is elevated whether it's positive or negative.
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