Once again, Jeff will not want to set such a poisonous precident. It will let DotA 2 slip into consideration, along with a host of other games.
I'd kinda rather they didn't do Extra Live streams themed around one thing. The one a couple of years ago with Drew, Ian, Alexis, Vinny and Jeff just hanging out and playing games and eating pizza for twenty four hours is some of my favorite content they've ever done.
Taken King will be in Dan's top 10.
There it is. GB GOTY time will be interesting.
It can be on his personal top 10 but I don't think DLC can be on the site's top 10 unless i'm mistaken.
In regards to the L.A Podcast.
I think Vinny and other dads are sometimes on the same wavelength with home ownership, parenthood, marriage and gaming. We wait till the kids go down, try to ignore/resolve the spousal guilt and play game quietly for what seems like forever but in reality is about an hour to an hour and a half.
What will be interesting is how parents-gamers might influence tone/pacing and gameplay of future games or how much the touch screen so ubiquitous with children it might effect future controller design. This generation might be noted as having one of the most buttons.
Completely agree.I'd kinda rather they didn't do Extra Live streams themed around one thing. The one a couple of years ago with Drew, Ian, Alexis, Vinny and Jeff just hanging out and playing games and eating pizza for twenty four hours is some of my favorite content they've ever done.
The way they spread out content for empty spots is annoying. Fatal Frame came out yesterday, why doesn't the quick look go up until the 27th?
It took me a few months to get from 14 to 15, I plan on doing the raid in 2020.25until you're ready for the raid!more hours
I feel like it is only Jeff who says that.I still think I"m in crazytown when people talk about missing the present day stuff in the AC series and that's why they fell off.
Like getting rid of the present day stuff to me has been the best thing they've ever done with that series. That shit was SO bad.
Somebody tell me why Jeff looks so weird when they flip the video. It's bothering me.
"I had a giant Slim Jim for dinner" - Dan Ryckert
Also, is it weird that with all the episodic stuff coming out, Blues and Bullets is far and away the one I want to see more of?
Has Dan said anything about getting back to The Witcher 3 on his stream?
assassins creed has him now
What if Assassins Creed bumps off Witcher 3
Also, is it weird that with all the episodic stuff coming out, Blues and Bullets is far and away the one I want to see more of?
At this point, sure. Let's buckle up and go down this dark road together.
The finishers in Syndicate seem toned down if anything. Blood stains on enemies were removed, it makes no sense. They've been in since 3 ;-;
Watching the group play Ultimate Chicken Horse, I think it's a real contender to top 10. It's pretty great.
Top 10 what? Games that don't come out until next year?
This is the year of radical awards.
Destiny: TTK top 10, an unfinished game top 10. It'll be cuhrazy.
Someone should make it transparent so it's like Jeff is bursting through the forum.
Someone should make it transparent so it's like Jeff is bursting through the forum.
Oh shit yeah. If someone hasn't done it by tomorrow when I get up, I'll make it.Someone should make it transparent so it's like Jeff is bursting through the forum.
Someone should make it transparent so it's like Jeff is bursting through the forum.
Someone should make it transparent so it's like Jeff is bursting through the forum.