Please help me I'm screaming https://twitter.com/GB_Oni/status/658626698192277506
Why did I go into Giant Bomb comments
you dun goofed
Please help me I'm screaming https://twitter.com/GB_Oni/status/658626698192277506
Why did I go into Giant Bomb comments
Please help me I'm screaming https://twitter.com/GB_Oni/status/658626698192277506
Why did I go into Giant Bomb comments
Please help me I'm screaming https://twitter.com/GB_Oni/status/658626698192277506
Why did I go into Giant Bomb comments
there should be a button prompt that makes Snake tell her to cut it out
also I punch out of any argument when someone says ", sir,..."
I keep forgetting sonic lost world pc is a thing
Out of every sega game people want on pc
We get sonic
The "sir" and the "we get it" drives me nuts. Also the "clever" reverse psychology trying to paint me as some sexual regressive in this argument. All top notch internet argumentation 101.
That argument would only really work if it wasn't created entirely based on the sexual pervasions of a man.
the only reason I like Sonic games now is hearing Jeff shit on them in QLs.
Like whatever though. I consume a lot of media that deals with sexual subjects and pervasions of all kinds. Both objectified and empowered. I'm certainly not going to tell people that they shouldn't enjoy what they enjoy.
But I also don't pretend that what I consume is free of criticism, and in fact I enjoy consuming it because it is full of things to criticise. If anything I'd like to see more varied explorations of sexuality in all forms of media. Quiet is just a pretty shallow showpiece though, where it seems like the sexual aspect is entirely for the audience's benefit instead of being explore in any interesting way.
Like whatever though. I consume a lot of media that deals with sexual subjects and pervasions of all kinds. Both objectified and empowered. I'm certainly not going to tell people that they shouldn't enjoy what they enjoy.
But I also don't pretend that what I consume is free of criticism, and in fact I enjoy consuming it because it is full of things to criticise. If anything I'd like to see more varied explorations of sexuality in all forms of media. Quiet is just a pretty shallow showpiece though, where it seems like the sexual aspect is entirely for the audience's benefit instead of being explored in any interesting way.
Bingo. If you only consume/enjoy media that is ENTIRELY free of problems you're basically never going to watch any shows or play any games. Also it's all subjective obviously.
Like I'd potentially be into Quiet if there was actually something meaningful between her and Boss, but there isn't. Also it's fucked up that she's into him (I guess??) when she's basically his prisoner, and that is never explored. Hell, Boss and Quiet could christen every deck on Mother Base, if you're gonna go for sexy, go all the way. They're adults. But Quiet's not there for the benefit of the story or the characters, she's just there for titillation. It's okay to like sexy things. I'd be lying if I said I never looked at Quiet. But it serves no benefit for the story whatsoever, there's nothing more to it than titillation. But the game plays like there is, except the relationship between Boss and Quiet isn't really developed at all except in her very last mission. They could've fucked on every platform on Mother Base and I'd have been alright with it, because at least that's honest.
it has everything to do with the fact that she's incongruous with the setting. I don't care that it's dumb and pointless and pervy, I care that it's those things in a situation where it doesn't make any sense, no matter how hard people try to defend it.
in my book, Naomi and the B&B stuff gets a pass because they exist in the context of a game that is batshit from all angles. if Quiet was in that game, it wouldn't be that weird. V is not 4.
I think the B&B stuff is just as bad as Quiet, at the very least. Maybe worse. They REALLY serve absolutely zero purpose in the story.
I think the B&B stuff is just as bad as Quiet, at the very least. Maybe worse. They REALLY serve absolutely zero purpose in the story.
The amount of gore and brutality really doesn't fit the fantasy setting of the game. Dismembering people in the game is so.....offputting.
Like in MGS:Revengeance it makes sense, that's what they're going for. In Witcher 3 however it's like, 'Hey here's this fantasy game, where you can use magic and card battles. By the way, you can cut people in half.'
I disliked it in Skyrim too, it's just too....brutal.
Please help me I'm screaming https://twitter.com/GB_Oni/status/658626698192277506
Why did I go into Giant Bomb comments
Like whatever though. I consume a lot of media that deals with sexual subjects and pervasions of all kinds. Both objectified and empowered. I'm certainly not going to tell people that they shouldn't enjoy what they enjoy.
But I also don't pretend that what I consume is free of criticism, and in fact I enjoy consuming it because it is full of things to criticise. If anything I'd like to see more varied explorations of sexuality in all forms of media. Quiet is just a pretty shallow showpiece though, where it seems like the sexual aspect is entirely for the audience's benefit instead of being explored in any interesting way.
Don't know if it's already answered, but will they cover Sonys conference tomorrow at pgw?
this QL is giving me a headache
imho B&B are worse than quiet but kojima didn't quite have the tech at the time to be as pervy. (Interesting how his camera discipline has changed between MGS4 and V actually; I think MGS4's cutscenes are comparatively even more awkward)
Good Halo 5 review from Jeff. Glad to hear that the campaign is actually pretty good.
Sounds like people's campaign opinions may hinge on how important they find the story. I get the sense the story is so-so, but the gameplay is good.
Seems like a trend.
Granted, Jeff is no Halo expert, but neither am I. A decent story is good enough for me as I barely pay attention to the Halo story.It even tells a pretty decent story along the way.
From Jeff's review Granted, Jeff is no Halo expert, but neither am I. A decent story is good enough for me as I barely pay attention to the Halo story.
Pretty excited to listen to this podcast with Aaron Greenberg. Digging the podcast flood.
Pretty excited to listen to this podcast with Aaron Greenberg. Digging the podcast flood.
I hope Vinny puts up the thread soon.
Life is Strange ftw
They said they're putting the game aside for a while after they finish episode 2.
Oh. When did they say that?
Guys I forgot my headphones. How do I kill time at work?
They said they're putting the game aside for a while after they finish episode 2.
Oh. When did they say that?
They said they would put it aside for a while and "possibly move it to its own stream". So, we'll see I guess.Didn't they also say they might just move it to its own stream and separate it from the current stream? That doesn't necessarily mean put it aside. It'd be cool to see a weekly stream that switches between Vinnyvania and Life is Strange.
Guys I forgot my headphones. How do I kill time at work?