Is there a bombcast this week?
Is there a bombcast this week?
Is there a bombcast this week?
Is there a bombcast this week?
To be fair, he was being fairly caustic.
Oh man, that new Guerilla game's gameplay demo that they showed at PGW was running at like 20 FPS. Yikes.
Is there a bombcast this week?
Oh man, that new Guerilla game's gameplay demo that they showed at PGW was running at like 20 FPS. Yikes. have some of that sticky white stuff?
I'm going to stare at it.
Is there a bombcast this week?
Brad left Giant Bomb so probably not.
Every time I see Marry or Danny posing in a dumb phot shop for a dumb GS news show I'm thinking "man, why can't GS be cooler and more like GB so I could actually enjoy their output". Alternative: Marry and Danny switch to GB. That would be cool too. I just can't deal with that form of coverage anymore.
Not Cancelled Brad! He was my favorite Üder.Cancelled Brad quit
Not Cancelled Brad! He was my favorite Üder.
Cancelled Brad quit
Is there a bombcast this week?
Jason has said Drew cusses like a sailor in the control room, just not on camera.
I don't believe it.
That kind of generic "Here's what's happening in the world of games!" coverage is what they do, it brings in their traffic. I agree it's a bummer and Danny's talents are wasted there. On the last bombcast he was on he complained no one watched The Point about Tony Hawk (guilty!) because it was all of like, 20 minutes long. I wonder if they're having that conversation internally. I'm not opposed to it but at the same time, I don't know that I want that kind of super slick production, scripted content on GB. It's so.... professional
Mary has already proven she'd be a great fit for GB, too. Good behind and in front of the camera. Be nice to have a woman on staff too maybe, it's a fair point of criticism. They're like, literally the only major games site without any women on staff. It doesn't actively bother me or anything but y'know.
I dunno, have you seen him trying to play MGSV?
Jason has said Drew cusses like a sailor in the control room, just not on camera.
Jason has said Drew cusses like a sailor in the control room, just not on camera.
Oh God...
Danny O'Dwyer
Alt+F1 fans - our podcast is running a little late this week as I had to get my recording of the race to temp co-host @DanRyckert. Yup!
Looks like I'm listening to an Alt+F1 for the first time in my life.
Looks like I'm listening to an Alt+F1 for the first time in my life.
Oh boy, don't get me started on Gamespot's style of coverage. You are totally right that the talent of Mary and Danny is absolutely wasted there. Maybe their circa-2005 coverage works, maybe they're doing well traffic-wise, but boy is it laughable to turn on The Point and see it's being watched live by 200 people.
Jason has said Drew cusses like a sailor in the control room, just not on camera.
Oh God...
Danny O'Dwyer
Alt+F1 fans - our podcast is running a little late this week as I had to get my recording of the race to temp co-host @DanRyckert. Yup!
Alt F1 is great even if you don't watch a single race.
it will be my second one, first one was the lang episode
Alt F1 is great even if you don't watch a single race.
Need a source on this pls
It's very important for my headcanons
I never hear Drew cuss.
I've been told that and I'm sure Drew and Danny are great, but I feel like the race talk would still put me to sleep.
I never hear Drew cuss.
I never hear Drew cuss.