Dan not Periscoping his wrestling event?
Watching the UPF archive...
Is Read Dead backward compatible on XB1 yet? I need to replay this again.
Forza Horizon 2
I should probably pick that up. I had a great time with that free F&F thing.
[21:53:37] daydream: hey twin tails/bacon, get in here if you're lurking
Missing is the tamest tame thing to have ever been tamed.Man I feel like such a wiener but I really can't deal with the gore in phantasmagoria 2.
Is Missing the same way?
NFS looks great, the wet roads look really moist. I just wish you could play it like an FMV adventure, just to see how GBEast would react to all that fist bumping.
There needs to be like a fmv murder mystery dlc. I'd buy that sight unseen.
Started the UPF. Jeff, Brad and Rorie sitting on the couch playing old games? Huh, that seems like a cool idea.
Coming 2016Started the UPF. Jeff, Brad and Rorie sitting on the couch playing old games? Huh, that seems like a cool idea.
I wasn't too curious about this, but Dan is being taunted by kids in the 10-12 range. Wh-what is going on?
I wish Dan would just periscope his entire life.
Huh. For some reason I thought it would be a more adult oriented thing. Anyways Dan is living the dream.
A show about old games?
How novel.
Coming 2016
That being said, I admire that Dan's power of positive thinking has gotten him to whatever is going on now.
Anybody here using the Windows app version of Tweetdeck?
My app is working fine but for some reason all the icon images are missing since yesterday.
I'm talking about the like column buttons on the left or the setting cog at the bottom left.
Not a big deal obviously but it's annoying. Tried restarting it but still not fixed.