My law books cost a lot and were outdated within two years
My law books cost a lot and were outdated within two years
Did Dawg get juniuored for that thread?
Did Dawg get juniuored for that thread?
Amplitude looks pretty good to me, but the future of Harmonix looks dire.
I was trying to understand why you'd put this photo here, then I saw the american flag pajama pants.
Amplitude looks pretty good to me, but the future of Harmonix looks dire.
Dan's girlfriend posted it in the GB subreddit, Dan's working from home today apparently.
Maybe reviewing something? Not sure what if so.
Rereviewing gow3 remastered after the goty discussions about it.
I'm just not sure what their end goal would be even if they did that. They have to adapt and come up with a new idea that isn't rhythm focused. That VR rock band thing looked straight up by the music genre die by the music genre
Surely they could sell off Rock Band to Activision so that it can officially participate in MLG tournies and such.
My DK2 was 753.49 NZD (Shipping, GST and Custom fees inc). Once you include Custom fees the consumer version is just over $1000.So Oculus Rift is $920 in Australia.
Imma wait.
I'm still thinking of that Pac-Man armband trailer. What a beautiful thing.
It's decent, but when people try to compare it to the old HK greats.
Nah son. Raid can't even touch Police Story, Rumble In The Bronx, or Armour of God
I bet he'd like that Police Story remake. The one with Andy On.Someone sent in old Jackie Chan movies for Dan to watch one time and he really should have sat down and watched them. And skip the romantic comedy parts of Gorgeous
Adam is now known as 'the guy who didn't know the words to regulate'He'll always be the guy that rapped to Biggie in the car to me.
Dan's girlfriend posted it in the GB subreddit, Dan's working from home today apparently.
Invisible, Inc. can go so bad so fast. RIP agency.
There's something about this whole thing that is just unsettling to me. Why is his girlfriend posting his location to Reddit?
i am posting from home right now
Yep. I still haven't finished my first beginner run in like 12 hours, I think the DLC extends the campaign. I haven't even treated it like a roguelike yet.
I bet he'd like that Police Story remake. The one with Andy On.
Probes deployed
There's something about this whole thing that is just unsettling to me. Why is his girlfriend posting his location to Reddit?
Invisible, Inc. can go so bad so fast. RIP agency.
please no amiibos near my house
i am posting from home right now
The way Dan and his girlfriend actively participates in the giantbomb reddit is kinda weird to me.
It's weird to me that he posts his time with his family all over the internet. I get the feeling he is obsessed with his own celebrity. He's Giantbomb's version of PewDiePie.
Invisible, Inc. can go so bad so fast. RIP agency.
We are talking about a man who Periscopes his trips to Taco Bell. He does not seem like a man worried about his privacy.There's something about this whole thing that is just unsettling to me. Why is his girlfriend posting his location to Reddit?
For beginner difficulty, aim a) for detention centres first until you have four units and b) simply to grab what you can from there on and get out intact (so don't push your luck) AND all with c) use your Rewinds.
If you already have a marker, lining isn't too hard. Something like my WIP, where the yellow has black outlined to it, the red has the black lines, but the lines for his arms aren't lined in-
See I was worried it was going to go the other way and be a RBG choice like Mass Effect 3.
And yeah Eredin really isn't an important character, but the core of that game is the Geralt/Ciri relationship. Having the entire ending pivot on the small moments and ways Geralt treated her over the course of the game was exactly the right way to handle that in my opinion.
Having Geralt be either a broken shell or a proud father by the game's end felt more impactful than other RPGs where I'm fundamentally altering world states.
It's weird to me that he posts his time with his family all over the internet. I get the feeling he is obsessed with his own celebrity. He's Giantbomb's version of PewDiePie.
Yep. I still haven't finished my first beginner run in like 12 hours, I think the DLC extends the campaign. I haven't even treated it like a roguelike yet.
Invisible Inc is a roguelike? :/
I actually bought the same markers you linked along with the second gunpla. How hard is it to erase the markers if you mess up?