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Giant Bomb #19 | Patrick Wins 2-1

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I've been using a Wired Xbox 360 controller for my PC for like 5+ years now, Do you guys think that getting a Xbox one controller with a usb cable would be worth it? Or is 360 still good enough for now?
I aggressively do not like the One controller compared to the 360 one.
I've been using a Wired Xbox 360 controller for my PC for like 5+ years now, Do you guys think that getting a Xbox one controller with a usb cable would be worth it? Or is 360 still good enough for now?

360 is good enough for the job. But damn does it feel like shit after using a Xbox One controller.
Using it right now.
I've been using a Wired Xbox 360 controller for my PC for like 5+ years now, Do you guys think that getting a Xbox one controller with a usb cable would be worth it? Or is 360 still good enough for now?

I think the Xbox One controller feels a lot better in my hands. It's my controller of choice for pc now, DS4 is second and Xbox 360 in 3rd. Xbox 360 is still a good choice though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The 360 pad feels cheap after using an xbone pad. But the xbone wired input on the controller is like the flimsiest piece of shit ever. If you ever drop it while hooked in, it's pretty much fucked.

The jump from the 360 pad to the Xbone pad in terms of cheapness still isn't as bad as the Dualshock 3 to Dualshock 4 jump. Like god damn I didn't realize until DS4 how fucking shitty that thing felt to hold.


Using a 360 feels so weird and old nowadays. I would probably use the DS4 if there was official built in drivers but the xb1 pad with the wireless dobgle is great.

Using the "fixed" XB1 controller is key though. The better dpad and fixed bumpers are essential.


I'll take the plunge I suppose, I really have no need for wireless though since my PC is so close that I can use a USB cable easily. So I'll not buy the wireless dongle for now.
Devil's Third is startlingly mediocre. Like Austin mentions in the QL, the difference in graphical fidelity between it and Xenocross Saga is staggering.

I wonder at what point in development Itagaki & co. decided to piggyback the free-to-play spinoff from the grave of the real Devil's Third.
Is it me or does this Steam Winter Sale kinda suck?

It's nothing special. There are some good deals, but there's been a uniform drop in great deals.


Bombcast was really good this week. Though I feel like I should have sent in my regional beef email this week instead of last since Jeff was actually reading them. Ah well.
Bombcast was really good this week. Though I feel like I should have sent in my regional beef email this week instead of last since Jeff was actually reading them. Ah well.

Mhm, that and last weeks beast casts were pretttttty great. I kinda blew my load on 6 hours of podcast today though..


Why don't they have internet in the air over the pacific ocean yet? I'm going to have a full half day where I'm not immediately connected to the thoughts and strange video content of strangers on the other side of the planet. This blows


Why don't they have internet in the air over the pacific ocean yet? I'm going to have a full half day where I'm not immediately connected to the thoughts and strange video content of strangers on the other side of the planet. This blows

You could always download content and try and delude yourself that you're up to date.


No dailies has entirely removed the "wake up every day, turn on computer, omg I could buy something right now" aspect to steam sales

End of an era


There's still bits and pieces here and there I don't have... But I've also realised... It turns out... I don't actually need that many games


it's horrible compared to the old format. no more daily deals. the good news is there are still good discounts for games but you need to hunt them down in the catalog.

Valve sure have been making a lot of bad decisions lately.


it's horrible compared to the old format. no more daily deals. the good news is there are still good discounts for games but you need to hunt them down in the catalog.

Eh I'm not sure. The excitement is definitely down, but as someone who has spent very little in the last few sales (400+ games, have most of what I want) it's kind of nice just being able to pick out what I'm looking for and not think twice about it.

Flash sales/dailies were kind of lost on me after my first 2 or 3 sales because the same stuff kept getting cycled in and out. It kind of went from getting excited everyday to just..."Huh, I own everything don't I..."

Curious to see the reaction following this sale though in terms of developer feedback. The lack of daily deals means less impulse buys, but that conversation changes from waiting to just hopping on Steam and buying right away.


The Paste interview of Jeff Green that they mentioned on the Bombcast.

Also this from Greg Miller:

A lot of the inspiration for what Miller is doing with Kinda Funny Games comes from Giant Bomb. They have similar origin stories. Giant Bomb was formed after ex-Gamespot employees Jeff Gerstmann, Ryan Davis, Brad Shoemaker and Vinny Caravella struck out to build their own editorial presence on the fundamental faith that the podcasts and videos they did at their former place of employment were popular enough to translate into a brand new website. It worked. Now Giant Bomb owns one of the most enviable spots in games media—tight-knit, uncompromising, but still rich with corporate money.

“Giant Bomb were the trailblazers,” says Miller. “Tim [Gettys] and I had a handle on YouTube, but the more you learn and study YouTube you realize that that’s what Giant Bomb was doing from the beginning. I was talking to Jeff [Gerstmann] back when we were just toying with the idea [of going independent] and he was like ‘yeah you guys got the right idea.’ It was what we needed to hear, that we were building and doing something that he saw himself in.”

What’s impressive about Giant Bomb is that they rose before the validation of Twitter or the Let’s Play scene. It was 2008. The precedent hadn’t been set. These were four men who were probably doomed to settle into the periphery of the games industry if they hadn’t stepped out to build their own thing.

“We were talking about the importance of engagement and the death of banner ads in, like, 2009. We certainly found a way to build something people would want to use that, at the time, felt more forward-thinking than building Yet Another Videogame Review Site, but it’s obviously not the only way,” says Jeff Gerstmann, founding editor of Giant Bomb. “If I were doing it all over again in 2016, I’d probably be building something a little more like Greg’s infrastructure rather than trying to develop and maintain a full site in-house.”

Giant Bomb’s theory paid off beautifully. They’re a videogame site, a humor site, a journalism site, all wrapped up in a single package through the authentic personalities they’ve developed organically. Gerstmann has been working in games writing since he was a teenager, and tells me he finds the way other videogame sites lean into off-topic content to be “sort of depressing.” It’s sobering to hear a man with so much experience offer a gloomy take on the industry.

“When I look at what the big sites are doing to stay afloat these days, I’m not sure if I’d still be in this line of work or not. I probably would have given up and taken a job on the publisher side or something by now. That side of things certainly pays better,” he says. “There are plenty of people in management positions who don’t see long-term value in experienced staff. If your primary output is rewriting stories that appeared on other sites and people standing in front of a camera, reading lightly rewritten press releases, there are thousands of people out there who want those positions and are willing to do it for next to nothing. That’s a hard thing to compete with. There are sites out there getting people to write news stories for them for zero dollars. How is anyone supposed to compete with that?”

Naturally, this doesn’t give much hope to people interested in games journalism as a serious, full-time career path. Giant Bomb was a natural extension of the exposure Gerstmann and his co-workers received working at Gamespot. Greg Miller cultivated a following on one of the biggest gaming publications on the internet, and had plenty of people ready to follow him when he went independent. The rise of YouTube and Twitch provides more avenues than ever to get your voice out in public, but being a streamer is much, much different than being a journalist. Jeff Green has spent years trying to edge his way back into an editorial role with no dice. He’s at peace, but also wishes that maybe he tried to take the Giant Bomb route back in 2008—long before he realized how drastically the industry would change.


I've been using a Wired Xbox 360 controller for my PC for like 5+ years now, Do you guys think that getting a Xbox one controller with a usb cable would be worth it? Or is 360 still good enough for now?
I switched from 360 controller to a DS4 a year ago, but have been at my brother's the past few days and borrowing his 360 controller. It's still good enough IMHO.
Steam Sales have lost their luster because I already have everything I want.
That's the main reason why the magic is lost.


I'll save my full thoughts until I get a second ending, but after 1 playthrough of Undertale, it's not even close to making my Top 10 this year.

Also going to ruffle some feathers here, Soundtrack is easily the most overrated thing I've heard in a while. I honestly found nothing special about it, outside of maybe 1-2 standout tracks.


the holder of the trombone
Well yeah, the first play through wouldn't be anybody's top 10.

As for the ost though, agree to disagree? Certainly one of the few game osts i would listen to outside of the game.


Well yeah, the first play through wouldn't be anybody's top 10.

As for the ost though, agree to disagree? Certainly one of the few game osts i would listen to outside of the game.

I mean, taste is taste and all that. I just don't get it personally. Nothing in the OST sounds remarkably more interesting to me than the retro works its clearly patterned after.


It's the use of leitmotifs and recurring themes that really elevate that ost imho

Like super basic is ghost - dummy - spider, all supremely crazy variations on the same theme


I get what the OST is trying to do, it's just really hard to appreciate recurring themes throughout the tracks when you find the entire thing pretty damn boring to listen to. This is coming from someone who likes that style of music as well.


the holder of the trombone
I mean, taste is taste and all that. I just don't get it personally. Nothing in the OST sounds remarkably more interesting to me than the retro works its clearly patterned after.

I don't actually find it really that retro inspired? Certainly uses chiptune but I find it to be rather multifaceted soundtrack.

Incredibly good use of leitmotifs too. I actually find that games don't use leitmotifs all that well.

Also it's kinda arguable that the best two songs are locked in the play through where you'll have a pretty bad time.


"Irreconcilable differences" :V

This is the internet. You know there can only be one correct opinion.

And obviously it's mine! :)

I don't actually find it really that retro inspired? Certainly uses chiptune but I find it to be rather multifaceted soundtrack.

Incredibly good use of leitmotifs too. I actually find that games don't use leitmotifs all that well.

Also it's kinda arguable that the best two songs are locked in the play through where you'll have a pretty bad time.

Like I said, I just can't appreciate all that stuff because I find the OST super damn boring to listen to. I'm half tempted to turn it off. It almost puts me to sleep.


No offence yami but that's weird, perhaps even weirder than anything that's come out of Dan's mouth in the last week or so. That's how weird it is. Ya weirdo


No offence yami but that's weird, perhaps even weirder than anything that's come out of Dan's mouth in the last week or so. That's how weird it is. Ya weirdo

I think a big part of it is that I find everything about the game outside of some clever writing moments super damn boring in general. If I was having fun with the actual systems, I could actually enjoy the other aspects. The fact I'm already predisposed to be bored with it colors everything.


the holder of the trombone
This is the internet. You know there can only be one correct opinion.

And obviously it's mine! :)

Like I said, I just can't appreciate all that stuff because I find the OST super damn boring to listen to. I'm half tempted to turn it off. It almost puts me to sleep.

Well, sure whatever. Music tastes and all that. Just enjoy what brings you joy man. Certainly my ost of the year.

I also have not seen such a fervour to cover a game's ost for quite awhile now. It's kind of insane how much a following it has with cover artists on YouTube and SoundCloud.


the holder of the trombone
I think a big part of it is that I find everything about the game outside of some clever writing moments super damn boring in general. If I was having fun with the actual systems, I could actually enjoy the other aspects. The fact I'm already predisposed to be bored with it colors everything.

Actually I'm kinda curious, how much of the time were you


Actually I'm kinda curious, how much of the time were you

Complete Pacifist
during my first run-through. If the other way is more fun, then that's a fault I still hold with the game as narratively it really pushed me in this direction.


the holder of the trombone
Complete Pacifist
during my first run-through. If the other way is more fun, then that's a fault I still hold with the game as narratively it really pushed me in this direction.

Hmmm, weird.
I find pacifist to be really fun and killing to be really boring.


Hmmm, weird.
I find pacifist to be really fun and killing to be really boring.

It feels like SMT mixed with poor wario ware mini-games to me. I like exploring the world, but I actively dread getting into battle. There's really only been 1-3 monsters that actually did something in battle that made me laugh or surprised me.
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