I know it's bad form to respond here, but I think it's worth it this one time.
I absolutely
didn't say that other people should stop using "it's interesting." I said "You know a phrase I'm trying hard to remove from my own vocabulary? 'It's interesting.'" And then I explained in the next episode (and
on Twitter) that my goal was to get better at being specific with what I was saying. I also specifically said that I was frustrated in seeing fans of mine using that bit of the podcast as an excuse to police the speech and writing of others.
So while I have no problem in people not liking some of my conversational crutches, I do think it's a mischaracterization to say that I said or thought that other people should stop using theirs. No one is more aware of my own vocal tics than me, so when I see others using theirs, believe me, I get it: It's tough!
In any case, we fight our linguistic battles at the rate we can. Right now I'm working on "interesting." Everything else can get in line.