I'm done trying to convince people but MP3 is an amazing game that I've bought twice and beaten on hardest difficulty like 5 times and I don't understand why people don't like it
I don't like it because:
1) The pacing is awful. There's a cutscene every other time Max opens a door, especially early game.
2) The animation priority that works in GTA or RDR kind of totally ruins the shootdodging if you hit anything at all. And the bullets aren't hitscan which is fine (MP2 worked the same) but the amount of times I've been in that last chance mode and the bullets just hit some object instead of what I'm aiming at is super frustrating.
3) It's a bald-faced Man on Fire ripoff. Rockstar always rips off movies and pretends like they're geniuses for it, but in this case it's egregious. Even the damn video effects, but turned up to 11. Obnoxious.
4) The writing isn't good enough. It wants to make comments on classism and socio-economic inequality but it never commits to any of it. Max's dialogue plays like a bad, too-sincere imitation of Remedy's, which was self-aware enough to pull it off (Dick Justice, for example). Remedy nailed the balance between homage and parody. Rockstar doesn't. It's just dour and Serious in tone and thinks that amounts to profound or good.
5) It didn't need to exist.
I say all this is a Max Payne 2 superfan, so I'm coming from a very specific place. It's not an awful game. But I don't like it.