had trouble sleeping yesterday ("yesterday") so i put on project beast
worked like a charm
yeah GB East content puts me to sleep too
It's hilarious that they are keeping the narrative stuff so close to the chest when it's things like "Duff the swordsman" that actually last for the XCOM stories.
It's hilarious that they are keeping the narrative stuff so close to the chest when it's things like "Duff the swordsman" that actually last for the XCOM stories.
I don't know why they act like the actual plot is important, since they basically took the plot of the last game and went "Nope, fuck you, you lost."
I don't get why that would suddenly make the plot of this game unimportant, they clearly did that because they thought they could do something more interesting with the premise of xcom 2. If anything it just strengthens the fact that the plot might be worth paying attention to as it's a story they wanted to tell.I don't know why they act like the actual plot is important, since they basically took the plot of the last game and went "Nope, fuck you, you lost."
It never crossed my mind that this SHOULD be a possibility. I thought the "next time on..." segments were kind of a stylistic choice inspired by TV series, not only a commercial tool.
to be fair, I kind of did. a lot.
wait, there was a story in XCOM?
wait, there was a story in XCOM?
I meant I failed a lot. that was my story.
but if someone's looking for a compelling plot to these games they're maybe better off looking elsewhere.
I can't stop watching the flyby moment in the Kerbal video. It is so good.
I don't know, I played Game of Thrones in more or less one sitting and I still felt that the "Next time on..." segments worked in that they got me pumped to go into the next episode.If I had to wait a week like during a TV show I'd understand but when I'm buying it all in one pack it feel super out of place.
I'm so ready for X-com 2.
All the early previews talk about how challenging it is on normal.
Concealment seems like a great fix to the early game, ambushes are awesome.
Is there even a bombcast today?i'll be out and about tonight but the bombcast thread will get posted, just fyi
Jeff's is "necessarily."I've found Austin's "to where", or "ostensibly".
"It's tough."
He says it like a dozen times in the latest beastcast, and I noticed Vinny started saying it too.
Is there even a bombcast today?
Guys, last night I just discovered an entire Demo Derby I had somehow completely missed - it was lost in the shuffle during a super busy time in my life. It was the one from July 25th that featured Drew's masterclass tips seminar on Mat Hoffman.
I felt like I had found $100 in a coat pocket.
I've found Austin's "to where", or "ostensibly".
"It's tough."
He says it like a dozen times in the latest beastcast, and I noticed Vinny started saying it too.
Is there even a bombcast today?
Should be replaced by the superior power bombcast this week
I bounced off of this post halfway through the first sentence. I'm hoping I can make enough time to try again later.A big GB-ism for me during GOTY
da fuk. Why can't I skip "next time on The Walking Dead" when I own the entire season.
Thats really strange.
It never crossed my mind that this SHOULD be a possibility. I thought the "next time on..." segments were kind of a stylistic choice inspired by TV series, not only a commercial tool.
I bounced off of this post halfway through the first sentence. I'm hoping I can make enough time to try again later.
Jeff's is "necessarily."
I thought about getting a used DK2 for a cheaper "first gen experience". But that'd be wasted money, wouldn't it? Better (wait and) buy the retail thing.I've already waited 3 years to futz around with VR, i'm kind of tired of waiting. I sort of just want that first gen experiance of messing around with something cool. But the barriers to entry are high indeed.
ICYMI http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=191843283#post191843283I've found Austin's "to where", or "ostensibly".
"It's tough."
He says it like a dozen times in the latest beastcast, and I noticed Vinny started saying it too.
top to bottom
I thought about getting a used DK2 for a cheaper "first gen experience". But that'd be wasted money, wouldn't it? Better (wait and) buy the retail thing.]
I thought about getting a used DK2 for a cheaper "first gen experience". But that'd be wasted money, wouldn't it? Better (wait and) buy the retail thing.
"You're not wrong."A big GB-ism for me during GOTY and since has been "bounce off".
They say it every second sentence, all of them.
When it ships.So I was thinking about throwing down on the Oculus.
Do they charge you when it ships or when you place the order?
Wonder if we're getting a Dragons Dogma quick look on release day
Wonder if we're getting a Dragons Dogma quick look on release day