Fuck yeah! Have the guys seen this?
Probably not. Found it on /r/giantbomb. Not sure how much they want to look at that kind of stuff.
Fuck yeah! Have the guys seen this?
Probably not. Found it on /r/giantbomb. Not sure how much they want to look at that kind of stuff.
Probably not. Found it on /r/giantbomb. Not sure how much they want to look at that kind of stuff.
I feel like someone needs to show Alex just to let him know everything is going to be OK.
I'm hoping that the QL will push me into finally playing Dragons Dogma. I own a 360 copy of vanilla Dragons Dogma and a PS3 copy of Dark Arisen yet I've not opened either. I think the better performance will be enough to get me to try it out but Austin selling me on it would certainly help.Release day got pushed to Friday I believe. Considering some reviews are already starting to hit, I hope they do the QL before then. I need my fix.
I'm hoping that the QL will push me into finally playing Dragons Dogma. I own a 360 copy of vanilla Dragons Dogma and a PS3 copy of Dark Arisen yet I've not opened either. I think the better performance will be enough to get me to try it out but Austin selling me on it would certainly help.
Is it supposed to be 60fps now, or just a stable 30?
Is it supposed to be 60fps now, or just a stable 30?
It's MT Framework, pretty sure not a single MT Framework PC release has been capped at 30 fps
I'm hoping that the QL will push me into finally playing Dragons Dogma. I own a 360 copy of vanilla Dragons Dogma and a PS3 copy of Dark Arisen yet I've not opened either. I think the better performance will be enough to get me to try it out but Austin selling me on it would certainly help.
I just stumbled across Jeff's nom de plume at work:
Sounds great to me, looking forward to the QL even more now.Its a great game if you really enjoy combat in RPGs. Its biggest problem was the performance, but now that won't be an issue on PC.
I haven't played much of it myself, but I really enjoyed what I played of it. Climbing on enemies on particular was super fun.
I'd check that out, it would nice to have an idea of what exactly they need to do compared to what they're trying.Again, I dunno if it's worth the upload, ha. If anyone unfamiliar with Kerbal does care to skim through it, I can try throwing the file on YT.
Something about the look of XCOM 2 bugs me. I loved XCOM: Enemy Unknown but this faux future looks so off.
I'd check that out, it would nice to have an idea of what exactly they need to do compared to what they're trying.
Something about the look of XCOM 2 bugs me. I loved XCOM: Enemy Unknown but this faux future looks so off.
Didn't the devs mention that it was supposed to be an alien interpretation of what humans would want? I think it's supposed to have an alien and too-perfect look.
It's a Ubisoft game, so you should wait till like a week after release.Guys I like the look of The Division. I hope it isn't a shit show.
It's a Ubisoft game, so you should wait till like a week after release.
Yeah, they said exactly that about that city. Might be why you have snake aliens with boobs etc. too.
I can't wait for drew on powerbombcast.Should be replaced by the superior power bombcast this week
Guys I like the look of The Division. I hope it isn't a shit show.
Going after our fantastical fetishes, humanity lost before the first shot was even fired.
Now that you mention it...they also teased that the aliens were working on some kind of secret project that would instantly end the game if it reached completion. I'll just throw this out there: snakewomen with mind control. RIP Earth.
Oof, I really hope that game is good. I've really been wanting a good co-op game to play with my friends back home.
Yeah, they said exactly that about that city. Might be why you have snake aliens with boobs etc. too.
A co-op game with Clancy loot and weapon customisation sounds real sexy to me.
Clancy is real sexy to me.
A co-op game with Clancy loot and weapon customisation sounds real sexy to me.
Clancy is real sexy to me.
Them blundering though it is making great entertainment. I don't want to see them get to professional.it would probably be nice if Vinny understood the nuances of liftoff vs wind resistance (and maybe a prod to consider solar power in future builds) but yeah them blundering their way through is fine
RIP humanity, died as it lived, lusting for boobies
Does the shooting feel So Good?Sounds like Destiny to me.
I inappropriately giggle whenever I see That Dragon, Cancer because of that one time Austin left out the comma and said something like "next week I'm going to check out that Dragon Cancer".
Didn't the devs mention that it was supposed to be an alien interpretation of what humans would want? I think it's supposed to have an alien and too-perfect look.
I'm sure the Aliens have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm sure the Aliens have no idea what you're talking about.
Sounds like Destiny to me.
Sounds like Destiny to me.