I really want to join you guys on the Crazy Train, but it's too complex for me. Last time I managed to carve out a hole in a cliff, and told a dwarf to cut a tree, then the tree fell on him and he died.
Then I quit.
It's a hard game, but not as hard as some may claim. I think it's just very abrasive at first bluff. If you're a new player I recommend playing adventure mode to get used to the graphics and some of the controls, then play fortress mode if you want to create a horrible murder complex. Although fortress mode and adventure mode may be in the same game and take place on the same world generated, don't be fooled, they are completely different games mechanically.
haven't played df for two years, i wonder where they are now. I gen a world every now and then becuase worldgen in that game is faaaaaascinating.
last world i genned took two hours. TWO HOURS.
Toady added CULTURE GENERATION. Music, poems, literature, dance. It's crazy. You can find libraries, compose music, compose dances, start a dance troupe, and much more now. And that's just adventure mode.