I still need to play Hearts of Stone. I've been holding it off, like dessert.
Giantbomb |OT| Better with mayo
Giantbomb |OT| Better with mayo
So GotY votes on here are due in 10 days and I finally got back to the Witcher. I got ten hours in when it came out but stopped and over the last week I've sinceHow possible is it I can finish it in 10 days?finished off the Baron stuff (boy I hope there's a happier ending than the one I got) and stepped into Novigrad to see Triss and ran across some people getting burned at the stake.
Also LOL @ me stepping into this huge place and immediately running into an interesting quest introducing so many players that will show up. I was all "fuck yeah, let's do this and get me a new sword" and I check the Quest menu and it's like 15 levels higher than me. Yeah, dude, I'll come meet you at the docks "tonight". Totally.
You have, like, 4 Bloody Barons worth of main questline left. And that's if you don't do any side stuff, which you will absolutely want to do.So GotY votes on here are due in 10 days and I finally got back to the Witcher. I got ten hours in when it came out but stopped and over the last week I've sinceHow possible is it I can finish it in 10 days?finished off the Baron stuff (boy I hope there's a happier ending than the one I got) and stepped into Novigrad to see Triss and ran across some people getting burned at the stake.
Also LOL @ me stepping into this huge place and immediately running into an interesting quest introducing so many players that will show up. I was all "fuck yeah, let's do this and get me a new sword" and I check the Quest menu and it's like 15 levels higher than me. Yeah, dude, I'll come meet you at the docks "tonight". Totally.
You just got to novigrad?
Congratulations! You started the game!
You have, like, 4 Bloody Barons worth of main questline left. And that's if you don't do any side stuff, which you will absolutely want to do.
You just got to novigrad?
Congratulations! You started the game!
Oh shit I just got to Novigrad. This post makes me excited
Hey, I can download at 1.2 mb/s now, maybe I'll finish getting all of Witcher and then I can join in.
Actually curious because I have the compulsion to complete everything on the map... Is there a particular way I should go about the game so that I don't burn out on it?
Novigrad is not a 'you started the game 'moment. It's more of just a refreshing change of scenery after the previous zone dragged on for too long.
Actually, Novigrad onwards is when I kind of feel like the story REALLY Starts to hit the lows of.super mary sue ciri lovefest
There's just way too much shit on the map for you to do that, honestly. Most of it, in my experience, is not that interesting. I spent a lot of the beginning portion of the game visiting question marks along whatever route I was on between two objectives...and it would just result in me getting WAY off course.
Oh man, is he heading to the Tomb of the Giants?
our next subtitle should just be "[emcee fills in a joke here]"why bother
emcee will just change it
I was looking at this
and came to the conclusion that Link Between Worlds Link is the best looking Link design of all time
Trusty, trusty Patches.
To be fair, the path of what to do after the Gargoyles isn't exactly clear.
did he only ring the first bell? Wouldnt that mean he'll hit a dead end pretty soon
did he only ring the first bell? Wouldnt that mean he'll hit a dead end pretty soon
He's running in circles, at this point. And not collecting many souls, either. The chat ought to steer him in a more fruitful direction.
did he only ring the first bell? Wouldnt that mean he'll hit a dead end pretty soon
I didn't realize he had already killed the, that would make more sense since the route to the next bell isn't very clear. I'm just hoping he killsGargoylesand realizes he has to fight his way back to the surface.Pinwheel
anybody who puts mayo on a burger should be barred from ever making burgers again
Seriously though, person who mentioned it earlier that I can't be bothered to go back and see who, is Griffin McElroy's stream of Yakuza 5 archived anywhere?
I'm pretty sure they mentioned him at the very beginning. I know Brad and Dan both mentioned it in twitter, but I'm not sure that it's appropriate to spend a long time discussing it.Though it's not really relevant to the site, I'm disappointed they aren't talking about David Bowie at all on the podcast. I'd assume the Beastcast will.
Twin Tails said:Is MGO worth the SSD space of redownloading MGSV again