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Giant Bomb #19 | Patrick Wins 2-1

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But didn't MGSV's ending
depict Big Boss as a villain? He uses people for his own gain, exerting his influence for control. Going so far as to remove another's identity and agency. I saw Miller's tantrums to pretty much represent what he would detest in Big Boss, as a "good guy."

Pretty much. People think to be a bad guy is to only kill and cause chaos and destruction. No, there are more subtle ways of showing it.
They should drop Old Games Show and Ranking of Fighters because they're redundant with UPF and fucking boring. Replace the two with a show where they comment over old industry presentations and embarrassing promotional videos (They seem to actually be doing this.)


Old games show was a good idea on paper but the execution of it left something to be desired I felt. Watching Jeff play through games on god mode just wasn't really that satisfying for me. I still think it was a good idea and there is something there for sure.


Unconfirmed Member
Isn't them dropping features in favor of new ones pretty much par for the course? They have been doing that since forever with the less popular shows. I don't mind if they shake it up or not. I'm happy with how they've been going (when the studio was running, heh), but if they want to discontinue stuff, why not?

I wouldn't mind losing Old Games Show and Ranking of Fighters (even though I like both of those a lot). I'm guessing that Metal Gear Scanlon is done also, even though it was pretty much done anyway (be real y'all MGSV isn't as fun to watch as the others). Vinny-vania is prolly done too, which is too bad because seeing him get lost in SotN was my fervent hope.

UPF has felt stale for a while. Most of the time it devolves into them scrambling to find something even a bit interesting to play. I wouldn't mind a shake-up of the format or something. Either do a different take on a weekly live show or something else. I dunno what you do to UPF to make it interesting all the time, because it sometimes is the best stuff on the site and other times only ok. Maybe you leave it alone and keep on with it because it is great sometimes. I dunno.

New stuff is great. I want new stuff. Hopefully it is good. This year looks like its going to be another pretty good one for video games. So, I'm not worried too much overall.


Old games show was a good idea on paper but the execution of it left something to be desired I felt. Watching Jeff play through games on god mode just wasn't really that satisfying for me. I still think it was a good idea and there is something there for sure.

I sort of feel the same way about Ranking of Fighters. Jeff and Jason playing fighting games against each other sounds rad but I always zone out after the first few matches. I feel like I'd enjoy it more it they permanently had a third or fourth person with them and if they switched fighting games a bit quicker. I just find it a bit boring right now tbh.
Old games show was a good idea on paper but the execution of it left something to be desired I felt. Watching Jeff play through games on god mode just wasn't really that satisfying for me. I still think it was a good idea and there is something there for sure.
Agreed, there's something about the current format that doesn't really do it for me.


Such a packed schedule. I can see why they would have to drop some features so that they can do new ones *cough*

If they are going to be doing a Demo Derby style show but for promo videos I doubt they will also do Demo Derby. That will go down well with some of y'all I am sure.

Agreed, there's something about the current format that doesn't really do it for me.

Is it Jeff doing most of the playing while the others look on bored and then after 5 minutes he fires up cheat engine?
UPF is like my GB comfort food, it's not always the most flashy or exciting thing they produce but it falls at just the right time at the end of the week right as I get home from work and want to unwind with something in the background.


Old Games Show is redundant to me because of Encyclopedia Bombastica which I feel does each game justice.

I haven't watched UPF in over a month. I usually binge them when I get depressed so a huge build up is fine.


Perhaps they should find a theme for each Old Game Show episode rather than just picking random things. Like, picking X genre from X system for that episode only.
Plus don't instantly use cheats. So many old games were brutal in design and I want to see that. Only use cheats to see new areas in the game.
Don't feel obligated to show the entirety of a game though, cut to the next game when it gets boring.

For Ranking of Fighters I feel that actually making it a competition like format would be more engaging. Give each person 1 hour to ready themselves, try out the characters, see which one they like.
Then go head to head in a first to ten or a tournament format if they can get more people to play with them.
Keep track of who is winning the whole thing to determine the best fighting game player in the office. Then Ranking of Fighters not only refers to a ranking of fighting games, it becomes a ranking of fighters in the Giant Bomb office.


Features getting cut?

RIP GBEast Playdates ;_;7

They can't cut anything from GB East - the site would lose half it's content produced every week.

It's super interesting to me how quickly GB East has become the bread and butter of GB content for me. The SF office lost a major asset in Vinny, he was always down to jump into new features like Load Our Last Save, Random PC Game, Bradley May Cry, BB: Demon's Souls.

I just imagine now Brad proposing a new video series in the SF office and "mehs" around the board that Vinny totally would have jumped on!


For Ranking of Fighters I feel that actually making it a competition like format would be more engaging. Give each person 1 hour to ready themselves, try out the characters, see which one they like.
Then go head to head in a first to ten or a tournament format if they can get more people to play with them.
Keep track of who is winning the whole thing to determine the best fighting game player in the office. Then Ranking of Fighters not only refers to a ranking of fighting games, it becomes a ranking of fighters in the Giant Bomb office.

I really like this idea but I'm not sure I could handle competitive trash talking Dan playing with Jason without wanting to punch something.
Have they explained anywhere how they're pulling off the cross coast thing so seamlessly, and whether or not it will be a thing we can expect more of?

I wonder if it's extra work to edit because I assume you have to stitch 2 sides of a skype together?
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