Radioactive Sour Cream, you mean. That's how all supervillains are born.
Find out on the next Mario Party Party!
I thought NuDan (or NewDan) was a good guy tho. Is he really a wolf in sheep's clothing?
What triggered NuDan's existence?
The hopes that it will spawn 5 pages of conversation over a grown-ass man eating some mayo.
it was about eggs. get it right!
it was about eggs. get it right!
What triggered NuDan's existence?
getting a real girlfriend?
nothing like wanting to impress someone to make you broaden your horizons
see jeff getting much ancient grain knowledge all of a sudden
Too much egg talk.
Also, does anyone think the "next time on" for the latest Kerbal was a bit spoilery.. Kinda deflates any tension. I guess we will see net ep how much progress was given away. Might have to skip those bumpers in future.Now we know that they get to the moon again and Vinny fucks it up
New Dan's existence is just a setup for Old Dan's nefarious return. You think this was just a coincidence?
He's been cured, all right.
What's the name of the song vinny played during day 2 of the GOTY awards? They use it sometimes but I always forget to ask
What's the name of the song vinny played during day 2 of the GOTY awards? They use it sometimes but I always forget to ask
hoping for a vinnyvania tomorrow
also, what happened to two beast streams/week?
14-20 inches of snow tomorrow. I'm gonna build an igloo. Anyone know how to build an igloo?
14-20 inches of snow tomorrow. I'm gonna build an igloo. Anyone know how to build an igloo?
I really like NuDan.
Dan and Jeff need to check out the WiiU virtual console release of Super Mario Advance 4. You can pick up turnips in the eReader levels! It's like a pre-Mario Maker Mario Maker.
Dan and Jeff need to check out the WiiU virtual console release of Super Mario Advance 4. You can pick up turnips in the eReader levels! It's like a pre-Mario Maker Mario Maker.
Does it have the other e-Reader features, like being able to add a cape to your inventory and having SMB2 vegetables in the base game?
14-20 inches of snow tomorrow. I'm gonna build an igloo. Anyone know how to build an igloo?
Witness is weird because I like the style of it and really could go for some kind of Myst-esque free roaming, relaxing experience.
but I'm total shit at puzzle games and rarely have any interest in them beyond Portal.
Maybe the move would be to wait a while for a sale then play with a guide in front of you? I agree that roaming a mysterious island looks awesome and is the primary reason I'm excited for the game.
14-20 inches of snow tomorrow. I'm gonna build an igloo. Anyone know how to build an igloo?
Very strong The Witness-related humblebrag from Brad. Excited to hear his post-embargo thoughts.
Our forecast is anywhere from zero to 8" right now. While I don't want to miss work tomorrow (because then I wouldn't get paid), a snow day would be real nice. Most likely outcome will just be bitter cold, meager snow falls, and a lot of dumb people on the roads causing accidents.
I really love winter.
When do the Paul videos come out? The only thing I'm looking forward to.
And stuff like Brad's tweet kind of says to me The Witness is going to be a real zeitgeist game. Like Fez was. And I can't imagine it would have the same effect months down the line.