Dan has said he's off Friday, so probably not.
Sounds like no GBE stream this Friday
What was the clicker game they were talking about during game of the year stuff? It had something to do with skrimps or something.
Dan had mentioned a few times that he was going to do a repeat of last year and play some games with his dad in the studio but there was never a date given (until now).
Fez, meanwhile, was intriguing from the jump with its Escherian perspective puzzles and the Disasterpeace music. Phil Fish was selling me one $15 game and then delivered an entirely different, way awesomer $15 game. The Witness is selling me a $15 game that I'll have to buy on the hope that it's secretly a $40 game.
The bit Grffin did about the old man trying to get money from the bank had me in tears. I'm actually about to go listen to it again.I'm downloading a bunch of MBMBAM podcasts in preparation for my internet going down and I just randomly started listening to one and oh my god Griffin's singing a John Michael Montgomery song and and it's amazing and hilarious and yeah. Griffin's a pretty cool dude. Why is there no McElroy OT?
The Witness is weird for me because on one hand, I respect the idea of concealing a significant portion of your game and letting the world discover all this crazy shit together (which I assume is what's going on with The Witness because if not then fuck, what took you so long?), but on the other hand I'm pretty much going to have to spoil some of the "secret" of that game for myself because nothing about what they've shown so far looks like $40 worth of fun for me.
Fez, meanwhile, was intriguing from the jump with its Escherian perspective puzzles and the Disasterpeace music. Phil Fish was selling me one $15 game and then delivered an entirely different, way awesomer $15 game. The Witness is selling me a $15 game that I'll have to buy on the hope that it's secretly a $40 game.
If you're into that, you should take a look at hocus. It's at R$ 1 right now, so it's probably at ~50 cents for you?
Honestly I'm desperate enough for good first person adventure games that I don't even balk at $40. I mean, I trust Blow enough and everything I've seen suggests its good
remember the early CBS days? those were real content droughts!
Patrick uploaded a 20,000 subscriber thank you video. I say we mass unsubscribe so he's under 20,000.
Patrick uploaded a 20,000 subscriber thank you video. I say we mass unsubscribe so he's under 20,000.
but for me to unsubscribe I'd have to be subscribed in the first place
Austin already said he'd be out most of this week, so it's not surprising that there's no GBEast stream.
Choose Your Own Adventure has been on Wednesdays.
I wonder if they're still only able to stream on a Friday (or was that even a thing?). Would prefer to have the regular live shows spread out anyway - Friday's like the worst day for that.
I hope this content drought is just a problem with getting set up in a new office and we see more stuff by the end of the season.
Did you try out Talos Principal?
Sounds like no GBE stream this Friday
i need something fun to watch right now
No Friday show gives me time to write my goty list. I know you're all dying to see that.
ha ha ha
Yeah, I've still yet to submit my final GOTY listing to the gaf thread. I've had it scribbled down for a full month now, but I wanted to give our new Wii U a fair shot first and see how Splatoon and XenocrossY fare. Spoilers: They ain't breaking my top 3 of RL, Inv.Inc., Kerbal. The big put-off for me so far is wanting to do justice to the write-ups. I'm too lazy and have too much shit going on though to spend a bunch of time/headpower writing a bathload of words on something that maybe two random thread-clickers'll read. My write-ups'll probably end up being egg recipe similes.
i need something fun to watch right now
75 cent for a UPF. Nay bad.Why am I paying $2.9 a month for premium gosh.
I just did mine. You've only got a day and a half left. Get on it.
I posted this before but I've been into watching these YouTube videos analyzing ambient world/art design in open world games. It's really in-depth stuff.
I've been playing Trimps. It's fun to watch the numbers go up. But sometimes the numbers go down. Then you have to make other numbers go up even more.
They were two different landing attempts, but both great in their own ways.The first one made me go "wooohoooo", then the next one was like "ooh". Thanks though, it helped clear my mind <3
I posted this before but I've been into watching these YouTube videos analyzing ambient world/art design in open world games. It's really in-depth stuff.