I'd like to get snow. I miss snow a lot.
I'd like to get snow. I miss snow a lot.
Snow is cool and all, but this is too much snow.
Snow is cool and all, but this is too much snow.
no such thing as too much snow
No, there really really is. Grow up in central Canada and try to say that again.
Snow is cool and all, but this is too much snow.
As an Arsenal fan the Hotspur love by Dave Lang proxy is filthy.
Having to have your dog put to sleep is pretty rough, I don't recommend it.
I know, man. I'd hug you if I could.
Y'all complaining about snow and I'm suffering here with ~100F for weeks. Let us change countries. I never saw snow in my life, c'mon
Are all of those Kerbal episodes worth watching for?
after spending the past four years in boston my area is only supposed to get 10 inches today. that's child's play.
Expatriation leads to people forgetting the grim realities of their home and native land.what if I told you
I'm canadian
I thought you lived in the civilized world?
our summer is hard
Expatriation leads to people forgetting the grim realities of their home and native land.
Unless you're from Vancouver or some shit, in which case LOL.
It was snark at your usage of imperial units, but yeah Monsoon seasons suck.
I'm not Canadian
But what if I told you I was
and you gave me an answer
still tho give me snow
You might not enjoy the ship construction parts (I zone out sometimes), but I still think it's really recommendable.Are all of those Kerbal episodes worth watching for?
The overall look of the game looks fing amazing but yeah, player count is something to worry about. (I read some reviews and they say servers are not great.) Hope they add some sort of single player content if they make another.That Mean Greens game someone mentioned on the Mixlr last night does look pretty awesome, but I'm always worried that small multiplayer only games like this will have barely 10 people playing.
Alright, anime talk has gone too far.this thread got me reading Okusama ga Seito Kaichou and I'm still not sure if that's a good or bad thing.
I think @PaulRyckert is ready to go home.![]()
Fuck snow. I've seen enough over my life. Great when it got me out of school. Now I just have to shovel it and drive in it, which I never look forward to. Interestingly enough I was in Baltimore until Thursday and now I'm back home, dodging the worst of the blizzard. It's not common to escape to Pennsylvania to get away from the Maryland snow, though we are still supposed to get 6-10 inches.
The one thing I've learned from this snow is that college students need to learn that they probably need to own a shovel.
This lady outside is trying to dig her car out with a mop.
aaahaha that's a new one
I've spent like 10 hours just wandering around in Dragon's Dogma and I'm not sure if that's what I'm supposed to be doing.
This lady outside is trying to dig her car out with a mop.
I've been sitting here trying to process this and I can't figure out how this person expects to move snow with a mop.
aaahaha that's a new one
I've spent like 10 hours just wandering around in Dragon's Dogma and I'm not sure if that's what I'm supposed to be doing.
That's pretty much what I did in that game for about 25 hours then I decided I had seen enough and haven't played it since
I've been sitting here trying to process this and I can't figure out how this person expects to move snow with a mop.
Mops soak up water.
Snow is water.
She's just applying the transitive property, bro.
I made it to the hub city a long time ago and I'm collecting quests but I think I'm underleveled for literally every single one of them. I grabbed a couple of like level 80 pawns which is kind of hilarious because they maul shit. but mostly it's just about going as far as I can in a direction until monsters start one-shotting me.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
I'm not even asking for help, I'm just bewildered by the whole thing.
I made it to the hub city a long time ago and I'm collecting quests but I think I'm underleveled for literally every single one of them. I grabbed a couple of like level 80 pawns which is kind of hilarious because they maul shit. but mostly it's just about going as far as I can in a direction until monsters start one-shotting me.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
I'm not even asking for help, I'm just bewildered by the whole thing.
I made it to the hub city a long time ago and I'm collecting quests but I think I'm underleveled for literally every single one of them. I grabbed a couple of like level 80 pawns which is kind of hilarious because they maul shit. but mostly it's just about going as far as I can in a direction until monsters start one-shotting me.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
I'm not even asking for help, I'm just bewildered by the whole thing.
I made a dumb thing >,<
I made a dumb thing >,<