Are you feeling ok, Myggen? You've been off your game lately.
I can see how EmCee has a tough job keeping things on track here when "NBA All Star Game to Host Space Jam Reading" is generally accepted as on topic to Giant Bomb.
This morning I considered posting a list of my entire Crunchyroll queue asking what I should get rid of.
All of it.
All of it.
Beat me to it.
But without a CGM gif to go with it.
This morning I considered posting a list of my entire Crunchyroll queue asking what I should get rid of.
Watching Downwell on UPF. Should I buy Downwell? Feeling like I should buy Downwell.
Watching Downwell on UPF. Should I buy Downwell? Feeling like I should buy Downwell.
Watching Downwell on UPF. Should I buy Downwell? Feeling like I should buy Downwell.
Yes. The perfect kind of GB feature.
The Kerbal series is really shaping up to be legendary stuff.
Add: Boku dake ga Inai Machi and Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju.I can't think of anything this season that's really grabbed my attention, even Iron Blooded Orphans is kinda meh.
This morning I considered posting a list of my entire Crunchyroll queue asking what I should get rid of.
I can't think of anything this season that's really grabbed my attention, even Iron Blooded Orphans is kinda meh.
There's an anime thread on OT Community I think, if you dare enter.
Add: Boku dake ga Inai Machi and Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju.
IBO is actually the only on-going thing on my queue. Everything else is old stuff I wanted to either rewatch or stuff recommended to me at some point that I haven't gotten to.
Everything excluding things I know for sure I'm getting through:post the list
paul video tomorrow
paul video tomorrow
You should of used the alt version if you are really excited..Not
I'm into Erased.I can't think of anything this season that's really grabbed my attention, even Iron Blooded Orphans is kinda meh.
can someone please post that because it's a pretty funny gif and also you just made a "not" joke so I have to call you out for that terrible bullshit
Everything excluding things I know for sure I'm getting through:
fuck anime, learn japanese and watch terrible variety shows like the human trashI amyou are
Any guesses for what games Dan is gonna have Paul play? (aside from Rocket League which I think was confirmed via a twitter pic.) I'd love to see his reaction to Until Dawn.
(Also, side note: in preparation for XCOM 2 I've been digging into Enemy Within and it fucking rules. Punching the shit out of aliens with a MEC will neeeeeeeever get old.)
Bloodborne?Any guesses for what games Dan is gonna have Paul play? (aside from Rocket League which I think was confirmed via a twitter pic.) I'd love to see his reaction to Until Dawn.
Any guesses for what games Dan is gonna have Paul play? (aside from Rocket League which I think was confirmed via a twitter pic.) I'd love to see his reaction to Until Dawn.
(Also, side note: in preparation for XCOM 2 I've been digging into Enemy Within and it fucking rules. Punching the shit out of aliens with a MEC will neeeeeeeever get old.)
fuck anime, learn japanese and watch terrible variety shows like the human trashI amyou are
Are we really just posting anime lists now.
Aw man, that's a good list.
Drop Attack on Titan and SAO (unless you want to watch the incest love triangle develop but the payoff is poor). Watch the first episode of Inferno Cop and if it doesn't grab you don't bother with the rest of it. If you don't enjoy KLK as you watch it, feel free to stop although I think that show has good buildup and tempo for the series (it's no Gurren but it's still damn good). Gintama might be the kind that you do in little bursts, do not try to watch that one all the way through.
I can't speak to HaNaYaMaTa, Akame ga Kill, Kuroko's Basketball, or Wakaba Girl.
The rest are great shows. Do not skip out on My Love Story.
fuck anime, learn japanese and watch terrible variety shows like the human trashI amyou are
Thanks! Does Attack on Titan just not pay off well or is it just a slog throughout?
I actually started learning this semester.
I'd dearly love some kind of Let's Watch or Let's Backseat Play feature where GB invite an expert to the couch and explore / discover / discuss a game with a somewhat aurhoritative voice or capability.
Thanks! Does Attack on Titan just not pay off well or is it just a slog throughout?
This comment reminded me of when the Games Done Quick dudes were on last year's Big Live Live Show so I went back to watch that and then I went and started watching the first part and then they brought out the nacho cheese and oh god what am I doing???