Never post porn starring an ex-Giant Bomb member please.
yes, please keep it to current GB members only.
Never post porn starring an ex-Giant Bomb member please.
I used to post on WrassleGAF more than any other thread on GAF. About 2 years ago it got impossible to deal with... I stoped and now just poke my head in every now and then... sometimes I shake my head... a lot.
The NXT Takeover threads every few months seem to be a bit saner.
i've got to get around to making that all-purpose mcelroy thread at some point
I've bitten my tongue until now, but it's one of the most miserable, insular, disrespectful, insufferable shitholes on this website. It's like a vacuum where you can get away with all sorts of shittiness that'd be shut down immediately on any other part of the forum.
You should ask for modship since you seem to know everything about policing a community you're not a part of.
I've bitten my tongue until now, but it's one of the most miserable, insular, disrespectful, insufferable shitholes on this website. It's like a vacuum where you can get away with all sorts of shittiness that'd be shut down immediately on any other part of the forum.
Would you put it in OT or Gaming? This has been my own personal blegh-up.
There's an 'official' MF thread, but hoo-wee it's weak.
There's a reason I'm not a part of it.
Would you put it in OT or Gaming? This has been my own personal blegh-up.
There's an 'official' MF thread, but hoo-wee it's weak.
Anyways, Giant Bomb?
Same. Games like BoI and Spelunky I can just keep playing for tens of hours after beating them, but not Downwell. Maybe not enough variety in Downwell?
Yeah, the timing of that whole thing is so good that it almost looks scripted.
For some reason, all of the best Giant Bomb moments relate to food somehow. (See also: Brad's hamster impression; twinkie pit; cake flush thing that apparently really happened.)
They're all filthy rodents at the end of the day.
Right you guys?
But you'll talk all kinds of shit about it in your little safe zone while it's not around.
What has happened to Patrick since he left? He is even starting to use those terrible youtube thumbnails now.
Why Patrick?
Please don't force me to unsubscribe.
Youtube thumbnails are probably super fucking important.
Oh yeah, there's tons of data on that. That's why you see so many big LPers doing the WEIRD FACE in every thumbnail etc.
There's nothing wrong with that style of thumbnail. There is a craft to it though and it starts with understanding contrast between text and image.
There's nothing wrong with that style of thumbnail. There is a craft to it though and it starts with understanding contrast between text and image.
The only use I find in them is knowing what videos not to click.
They're not for us though.
You're like this community's Matt Rorie.
I would totally have a Rorie gif for that if I was on my PC! Picture Rorie giving you a thumbs up.
Same. Games like BoI and Spelunky I can just keep playing for tens of hours after beating them, but not Downwell. Maybe not enough variety in Downwell?
Yeah, the timing of that whole thing is so good that it almost looks scripted.
I got you
Honestly Brad seemed too busy thinking about the Witness to really take in what Rorie was asking lol. Mary is the only one who seemingly noticed what Rorie was saying. Brads just on his end going like 'yeah, I wrote that review! Whoo! Recipes!'
Thinking about that 5 star score.
Oh man, I hope so. I replayed Braid recently and have been getting stupidly excited for The Witness